Thursday, August 10, 2017

8.11.17 Potatoes

We go the assignment to get potatoes for our ward. Being ever-obedient, we went to a neighboring farm and gathered potatoes. About 15 60 lb bags the first time and 18 the next time. They were lovely potatoes and Harold had a great time distributing them to anyone he saw or  could think  of. 

The girls delighted in their heartshape potatoes. 

First trip. Even Bruce was out there helping. He loved the dirt.
The next time we took Greg, who is a gleaner at heart. It is always dangerous to take him to these events as there is always more to get. We worked until after dark and lugged home a very full trailer.

As I sat pondering the events of the evening, I was struck by the groups of two around me. Everyone was content and happily working or playing. As I read a post today about how to stop sibling rivalry, I thought "no idea"? But I think that's because we don't have much competition.

A while ago, a lady asked how I keep a handle on the crazy of having 11 kids? I said it's not too bad, but we work a lot! The kids are tired. They don't have tons of energy to spare on beating each other to a pulp and they know that payback will come around. They also know that the next project will require their team effort to accomplish the objective.  They also might just be working on surviving life with their parents who overbook and never leave a service opportunity unattended. I'm seriously pondering if that is a strength or failing to our children.

Nonetheless, this evening they enjoyed being together and sharing the burden. Another day survived.

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