Friday, August 18, 2017

8.18.17 A little R & R

Well Sunday was my first off Sunday in 3 years. No meetings, no responsibility no worries...or something like that. I did go to a youth fireside with my kids and brought them and others home but Greg had to stay for another 2+ hours of meetings so I felt pretty free. In that free time I decided to make some pies to share. Something I haven't done in years. We shared and came home to pie. It was a pleasant return to the Sundays I had remembered.
Bruce is the lucky guy to work clean-up crew. He was helped by brother John who did the same thing 10 years ago. They are similar guys.

While the release has been nice. The phone just doesn't ring, I'm not constantly thinking of many other people, I don't ponder all day long how to organize and or help people it has however been a little depressing.

We drove by the local diner after church to see this. Obviously a corvette club out for a drive. But the blue reliable, old, pickup is what caught my attention. I feel like the pickup so often. Obviously out of place. Reliable, dependable, worn and used but still able to get the job done. In public I see other women who are so much more put together, talented, confident, less encumbered and how my heart melts with envy. (Yes I know that is a sin). It is a lifelong struggle. Yet like the 4 wheel drive capability of the pickup and the straight forward operation that it is, I too can handle hard situations. I'm not unfamiliar with getting dirty if that's where the road leads.

The Relief Society calling taught me to pay more attention to details, to evaluate and improve from criticism, to pray with real intent and real confidence in God. I learned to use flowers on tables and to care about table clothes. I learned that people are great! I worked very hard to care and to speak with care to encourage and to lift. In the transition weeks I knew that my offering was enough.

And now as I figure out my place in my family, ward, and life I am striving to take what I learned and not totally retreat into who I was before. I'm thankful for the many busy activities that keep me physically occupied or I may have really been depressed. I'm thankful for the powerful, loving, generous women in my ward and stake who taught, and served me and my family. It was a singular experience where I learned a lot about myself, Greg, my family, and God. Honestly I think my kids are a little sad to have me around more, they had got a routine set-up that flowed pretty smooth without mom. We will adjust.

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