Thursday, August 3, 2017

8.3.17 I looked out my window

When I heard cheering and clapping. It sounded like a golf tournament, where they clap and cheer when the ball goes in the hole.  Addie had taken the little kids outside to cheer on Reed as he did some target practice. They would clap appreciatively for each arrow that went in the box. It was so cute.

Reed of course put on a good show! He worked hard to hit the target. I only directed traffic a bit instructing the girls not to sit behind the box but to the side. Love these kids of mine. They support, encourage, fight, and battle each other. But mostly they love. Families are great places of love and support. We don't have it all, we're not close to all together, but we do have all of us together and that is the magic of summer. Everyone united and focused on the family life. Yay!

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