Wednesday, June 27, 2018

6.27.18 Smelling the Roses

The girls love to pick flowers from our sparse collection of yard decoration. They make pretty bouquets and work to enliven our home. Bruce of course was helping and brought me this lovely blossom. They are charming!

 My no naps lady often loads my phone with random selfies pictures of books, the house, outside, the couch. She is particular in how life works and very artistic in her world view. She is learning to sound out words, count, and write. She has a knack for poetry memorization and a real skill with coloring. She recently showed a knack for dressing stuffed animals with odd bits of clothes she created. She adds details and creates coverings with items heretofore un-imagined.  I love seeing what she comes up with.

At dinner on Friday night it was announced the pigs were completely out of feed. BEing that each day counts heavily (ha-ha) towards making weight this was not good news. We hurriedly hooked up the trailer gathered collection totes and buckets and headed to fill our buckets with corn from Corn farms. 

 Can you spot Bruce carrying his small bucket? He is always so happy to help. He carried several loads.

I think the best part of this pig project is the continued and essential camaraderie that is necessary to make it happen. FRom the teamwork of getting and processing the feed ( I helped Mark with that this weekend that's a big job!!) to the morning/evening walking or running and chasing the pigs it is a group effort. Granted Reed usually fills in for Harold it is still a group suffering/working/fighting/laughing together. I think that's the greatest reassurance of this large family is they have each other. Cousins included. They've had some time with cousins on both sides lately and it's been rejuvenating to share some life with them and see/hear that they are having a similar experience on their growing up journey. LIfe may not be all roses, neither is it all misery. Friends along the way with the added benefit of blood relations sure help ease the load and add merriment to most any situation. We are thankful to have so many to share this life with.

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