Wednesday, July 28, 2021

7.28.21 photo catchup

Harold has been working on his hair cutting skills. This last time he learned to more closely check the guard size as he cut Merle's hair pretty short. I guess it just lasts longer that way. Overall he does a really good job, cutting his own hair impressively. 
The kids enjoying time with Papa. Trey is teaching Livy how to play chess. I think the concentration would be excellent for her. 

We sure love going to Aunt Annie's swimming pool. A major benefit of John taking summer drivers ed was the weekly reason to go swim while he drove. I really enjoyed the time with just the younger kids and watching them get more confident and skilled in the water. 
Our annual 24th of July party was different this year. No swimming and potluck but some races and even a pig scramble. The best part was not taking home a little pig but rather a package of bacon if you caught the pig! That was a committee that thought! The kids had a great time chasing those little pigs around the pen. 
And the Olympics are upon us. After seeing what was going on in Tokyo the grisl were inspired to try some tumbling. Let's just say it's not as easy as the athletes make it look. These handstand/ somersaults were major accomplishments. Not that we spend much time on athletics here but I admire their zest to try!

And after teh ordeal with Mark I may be hyper about injuries so I really appreciate their thoughtfulness to put down a pillow trail to cushion the learning. I really hate seeing my kids do anything even semi-risky at this point I loathe the thought of taking any of them to any kind of medical help. I just want so desperately to be left alone to do our thing how we choose to do it. The real root of the impending school year join the "socialized!" norm and benefit from less responsibility or control. Choices and more choices then consequences the two are so closely related. Life is good and thankfully lots of open doors. 

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