Thursday, March 31, 2022

3.31.22 Snaps

One of the best parts of early spring is we still have time to breathe. Greg is not swamped and is home a little more. We aren't farming full blast and have time to be a little silly. As Lia says Merle is cute. He is in love with his dad and demands as much time as Greg can give him. 

Late Saturday night while we were away I finally remembered it was Reed's birthday after a simple text from Addie stating they had made him a birthday cake. I felt horrible to have totally forgotten his birth day. We called and wished him a happy day. When we returned the next day we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and cake with cousins and grandma Saunders. Reed is pretty understanding and patient waiting a day for the cakes was no big deal to him. We had his favorite dinner- steak- the next day too. 

After all this winning we had some more preparation to do. Clothes. A major benefit of FFA is the uniform, the legion contest just says business casual. Thus, the search began for tall clothes. Thankfully, we have been able to find articles that are just right 

Merle loves his sister. While he sometimes bites her toes or scratches her head he is mostly just vying for attention. 

He always wants a turn to hold her. 
Because nursing is such a worrisome challenge I was so excited to see some round cheeks while shopping with Aliza. There were no chairs so Andrea and I sat on the floor waiting, watching, and teaching her about styles. 

I told my mom one day I don't do much especially on the farm these days. She remarked I had my plate full just feeding and clothing the people here. She helps out with that occasionally. This was one of her surprise gifts. New church clothes for the younger set. Mr. Merle Man looked dapper in his new ensemble. Complete with new orthotic shoes. We are trying to help his slightly club foot. He moves just fine with or without shoes but if we can help make his foot more correct then we will. 

Lia was beautiful in her new dress too. The other kids changed very fast as per Addie's instructions after church. She runs a tight ship. We stay after with Mark as he gathers all the garbage from the building. WE inevitably visit with ward members as well. Addie hates when we visit so she gets Aliza to drive the big van home and thus when we arrive later kids are changed and food is happening. 

Addie captured this picture one night and shared it with me. The power of example is strong in a big family. I most of what the older kids teach the younger. Although Bruce can sing and loves the song the beer, the wine, the whiskey ... thanks to what the big kids listened to, mostly they are good influences. Life is good we are blessed. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

3.30.22 Spring Break almost through

Addie is a super student. She has a large project coming up this final quarter at her school. She will be turning in 2-3 essays a week starting next week. She knew the requirements as other kids have completed this project in the past, so she spent a lot of spring break beginning to craft her essays. She spends a lot of time on her writing striving to get it perfect. I'm proud of her work ethic and foresight to be ahead of the expectation instead of behind. 
This year is the second of a drought. The water leves are uncomfortably low, thus we are changing some of our farming plans. We are trying wheat for silage. My kind brother allowed us to use his very nice grain drill and tractor. Mark was the head operator yet allowed lots of help on the heavy loading part. 
A primary reason we farm is the constant need to work together. As our bishop likes to say we are farming to raise kids not just a farm with kids. I love how there are tasks for everyone. We just got back from picking up those empty bags which we are saving to burn with weeds. The wind has picked up today and had scattered them. Grandma saw them strewn about and asked if Bruce could come help her. Livy also came and they neatly stacked and secured them for later use. Merle, Lia, Andrea and I went on a walk to see the end result. We even got our hair wet from some rain so that is encouraging. 

The amount of faith to farm when the weather is contrary is immense. I have heard the stories of timely rain, quick growing crops, and other miracles, yet in our time now it's hard to keep your chin up and not be a worried mess. But we go forward and plant and hope, pray, Greg fasts weekly, and endure. I'm  checking our practices, are we keeping the sabbath holy? Are we paying a full tithe and fast offering? Could we go to the temple more? What else can we do to be worthy of the blessings we are asking for? Can we get shorter seed, can we conserve water any other ways? What about our marginal corners, what if what if? I've talked with neighboring farmers. Older ones who have weathered other tough years, and younger ones who have new crop ideas. I talk continually with our field man he is kind and willing to look for answers among his resource banks. I really enjoy the networking and information gathering. As a female I can handle being unknowledgeable and can always couch my questions in I don't know. I think males are suppose to have answers that's a harder position to work from. 

I think he's just resting not actually asleep. Or maybe it's just a picture of the ever present water bottle. Considering the kids were in-between burning this was a nice cooler activity. 

Me and my side kick working to get enough calories into her. I nurse her and she takes a bottle. It's a doable duo option that is necessary right now. I've learned to be thankful for options even though it's not as I would prefer. I get very discouraged and wonder why I try/ waste my time nursing. But with all the shortages I have to keep at it who knows what tomorrow or next week will bring. She's growing, I get some help and rest, and it's ok. It's all ok. That's a great thing not broken, not insurmountable just ok. 

We do have beautiful skies. Addie is a master at capturing the awesomeness of nature. And a boy with a stick isn't that how life should be when you are young? 
At the end of the day all snuggled in reading scriptures. Yes indeed my arms are full! I'm blessed. People say invite others to your home to feel your spirit to see how the gospel works. That makes my blood run cold. It is wild unruly and fraught with fighting, correction, and side conversations. From the kids deep in their comic book to the baby who's about to get bit by her brother, to the teens talking about whatever they did that day, to the little ones running back and forth just being generally antsy. That's not what I would choose to show off. We take pictures because the chaos is us and I'm sure we will miss it as the house gets emptier and quieter this raw living will give way to order and calm and loss of vitality. 

Reed is really a great guy. He's strong, responsible, diligent, and willing. 

I was told while we were gone with Aliza that the kids were ready for bed and he circled them up for scriptures. Grandma obliged then when they were done he gave everyone the normal command to kneel for prayer. Again a bit surprised grandma obliged and the routine passed. I'm thankful for his leadership and willingness to do the routine. He was asked to shoulder a lot last year with Mark out due to his leg. This year as we've discussed things in family time he's mentioned how that was a really hard and really good thing. Isn't that the law of life hard = good. Millie and Bruce were his main companions on burning. Days like these use Bruce's abundance of energy and show Millie's buddy competence. 
Livy was home babysitting. I don't love her pushed out of the group but the group dynamics are tricky. We have the super charger kids that go go go then we have the ones who are so good at home. I'm learning and working to best manage our next group of workers. 

As a finale to spring break we had a picnic. Due to illness we missed the large family picnic but the kids were not about to pass a chance to cook on a fire so after a long day of working and shopping they lit the wood and planned to roast hotdogs and marshmallows. Greg got here before dark and managed the cooking excitement. 

I'm thankful for this life we live. It is ours and we are blessed to be so fortunate. We are safe, we are healthy, we have all we need and want. Life is good. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

3.29.22 Spring Break the next part

Random pictures like these occassionaly show up on my phone. I love seeing my missionary at work with the great people he serves/ 

Likewise Monday's are great. I'm not sure the younger ones will know them but Lia was counting everyone today and told me were missing Anna and Harold and they needed to come. I told her they wouldn't be home soon but that we would see them Monday. Some weeks I really miss them but our Monday chats have made the time fly and it's always so reassuring to hear their testimonies and happiness in the work they are doing. 

Meanwhile the next set is growing and learning similar lessons that shaped the missionaries. We hope the same recipe will produce similar results- different flavors and shapes of course but similar results. 
A major ingredient to our family raising kids plan is, of course, working with animals- as a team. Another big steer was ready to be butchered. This time no dad or mom help. The kids have been trained well and managed just fine. Always there is that rush of adrenaline, a few tense minutes, and in the end all is well. 
More learning and help. 

Every time we take an animal to be butchered Bruce asks if we can see it be killed. Well the day we dropped off the steer we were able to watch the workers cut up some quarters. The kids were impressed. I asked hesitantly if we could in fact watch and animal be killed. The butcher said "Sure we will be killing all day tomorrow."
 For the next 24 hours Bruce asked repeatedly when we were going? We got ready and loaded the kids were excited. We got there as they were just finishing our steer that's they white mass hanging. They had one goat left. Well with a bit of trepidation the kids watched as the large door opened. I waited outside with Millie and Merle. I heard the shot then lots of baa-ing. I thought that odd. The kids stayed still watching at the door. Later I learned the shooter had missed and they had to instead just slit the throat. This was more dramatic than I had hoped but the kids did fine with the show. 
I had priced a trip to the zoo, then kids started getting stomach flu one by two day after day. When I came down with it my desire was lost to do more than survive so the butcher thing sounded like we could at least count we had done some thing over the long break. And I'm all about learning, in the past we watched it and I found the systems fascinating to see in real life. This trip did not disappoint and it was an added bonus to talk with the butcher and learn from him and the workers first hand. 
Though Millie was not a fan she did get the chance to stamp the label on some wrapped meat packages and thought that was a good trade.

Another big milestone we finally got this guy to the DMV for his permit test. He's a smarty and passed first try. I love the new appointment system. We walked right in after a 2 minute wait we were getting helped and had our business done in about half an hour. I did feel for those who were waiting on the standby side of the room they were about 20 deep and didn't move while we occupied one officials booth for our needs. He is one of my best new drivers. No surprise as he has spent the most time behind the wheel of tractors. Life in the passenger seat is good. 

The days passed quick and slow like all family life does. It's great to be together and have time and great to be doing and becoming. So off to the school races we go again. Life is good

Monday, March 28, 2022

3.28.22 Spelling Bee

When it rains it sometimes pours in a big family. A few days before and inbetween the Aliza speaking journey was the spelling Bee. Millie had been practiving for a month. Addie had missed the cut by one and though the classmate said she didn't want to compete and Addie looked at the list a time or two she wasn't serious about study. However, two days prior to the contest Addie was notified she would in fact have the chance to represent her school at the bee. Addie got to work asking anyone who would to quiz her on just a few words when she was home. 
I worked with her the night before we went through the entire list for her grade. I knew the words and so did she. 
Our cousins on my side are big contenders at the bee. Thankfully Addie and Millie are not in their grades. I was told the bee started at 9:30 so I wasn't in a big hurry. Yet, I received a text at 8:15 asking where to sit and was told it was actually starting at 8:30. I hurried and got ready with Andrea and we dashed for the contest. I was thankful to be able to watch via my phone as I drove. Millie did so well. I too was unsure where to park, which building to enter, etc. Hence the huge relief when the greeter was none other than my sweet niece Cadi. She gave me a map and a badge. WE hurried away still listening. Unfortunately Millie was spelled off and was out we were just outside the door. I entered and watched the rest of the contest it was nerve wracking. 

A picture with Cousin Michael who also competed. Pretty unique to have three from the same family pool competing. Grandma Lasley was pretty pleased to claim that title. It was interesting to meet the teachers she works with as a support aide. 
Then it was time for Addie's contest. The words were not familiar and a mom and I looked at each other questioning if they had the correct list? Finally with encouragement from another crowd member I stopped the contest and asked if the list was correct, they assured me it was and after the first three spellers missing their first word Addie and her competition spelled off until Addie won. 
In the finals Addie missed the word picnicking. I had learned and drilled that word with Livy and Millie last year when we homeschooled. Oh well Addie chose public school and missed out I guess. In the end it was a fun day. We appreciated all the family support and encouragement. 

There were a lot of spellers and schools represented. I loved the diverse group that matched brainpower this day. It was also very interesting to see the differences in schools. 

I got this picture from grandma Saunders who was watching the younger kids for me. He was hoarding his desired toys from Myla his cousin. 
Sometimes it feels like we are a sinking ship and sometimes it feels like we are floating in the stars. It's not politically correct to say we are proud of our kids. So we hope they feel proud of themselves for their accomplishments based on their work, talents, and luck. Some get noticed some do not in the family or it's not their season. It's hard to balance the ones getting the attention with the ones that are not. We are thankful for the teachers, family, and siblings who support our kiddos in their pursuits. We are thankful for many opportunities and days like these that are thrilling, challenging, and victorious. It's nice to win. We are blessed.