Sunday, March 27, 2022

3.22.22 State FFA Convention

Another weekend another speech. Aliza was dismayed to learn all her competitions would be within the same 3 hour stretch of State convention. First up was the talent show. She was back-up singer to the bucket band performing Ophelia. We got to the convention a few minutes before the talent started. Aliza was in game mode.
After watching three other entires it was go time for her chapter. Credit should be given for so many kids involved trying to stay on beat and focused to make the totally rythmic back-up recognizeable.
They did well it was a bit ruckous but the crowd jammed with them and it was complete. On to profcieincy interview then the speech.

How I spent most of convention strapped in with sweet little one sleeping.

It was so nice to have no responsibilities and just hang out together. It's been years since we did that. Though little one kept me distracted it was nice just to be there together.

Greg was able to watch the entire competition with Mark. I was in and out with little one. Those rooms are so quiet and any noise from her seemed to be a disruption. Aliza was a top contender. She really nailed her questions. Again and again her depth of reading and the vast amount of information she consumes daily is what sets her apart from her peers. She looked great on the state stage and showed again she belonged front and center. 

We were thrilled when the order was called a blue banner in prepared public speaking is a huge accomplishment. I was in tears when they announced her. As I walked back to our seats Mr. Sherman held out his hand I grabbed it and squeezed we did FFA together back in the day. He was a mighty speaker as well. One unique part of convention is all the people from your past that you cross paths with year after year. The tears continued. This is such a huge award a summation of all the years of research, practicing, and most important trying again. 

Her advisor was super excited. This is her first national qualifier. 

Aliza with her best friend Maddie. I was so impressed watching Maddie support and love Aliza through the weekend. She is a true support. I was also impressed with her strong sense of self, right and wrong, and level headed approach to the swirling teenager-hood that is part of the travel experience.

The chapter bought Aliza flowers. We had joined the kids for ice cream sundaes. 

The next day was team presentations. The ag marketing group presented the plan Anna, Aliza, and Maddie created this years ago. They presented it during COVID via Zoom. Because they did not place the plan was resubmitted with a different presenting group. I was again in tears seeing Anna's work and mind all over the screen. I was so impressed with what they had created. I was transported back two years remembering discussions with her and Aliza about the research they were doing with the beef company they were representing. Both Anna and Aliza have come a long ways since then. Greg and I were very impressed with what they had created. Unfortunately, the presenters this day did not understand the finer points of the company they presented and got tangled up in the questions. They did not go on. 

The next contest was Ag Issues. Mark and John were in this activity. John had done preliminary research in January then Aliza and a friend, Lainey, were tasked with writing the script. Many days later the script was done and the practice began. This is just before the contest when the kids were getting into costumes and still rehearsing lines. 

The team all ready to go. Lainey is in the orange sweater. They were discussion the pros and cons of lab grown meat vs. traditional meat. The kids did such a great job the parts were written perfectly for their personalities. The practice that we pushed Mark and John through for their speeches earlier in the year helped them give convincing recitations. 

They had their time on the big stage and got 2nd place. 

John had a great time at convention he rarely spoke to us but enjoyed being part of the guy group and more important speaking with the ladies.

We enjoyed the drive to and from, it was worrisome that there is so little snow anywhere in Oregon. We had to document this skiff that was new to a mountain pass on our way home. 

The roads are long, straight, empty lines. Thus mostly I sat with little one meeting her needs. She's getting bigger slowly she enjoyed the quiet away from convention with just us. I was able to go sit with her at the house kids were staying at for a few hours that was a divine break. 
Its pretty amazing that we grow from such tininess to big people. I was in awe many times this weekend over the quick progression of our older kids. Each us on an individualized journey. I mourned the loss of experience Anna and Harold had neither got to compete at convention due to Covid. I cried for experiences they did not get yet they had other opportunities that the others will not have. Anna worked with many great women and was able to fund her next steps. Harold was able to do college classes with Uncle Justin and welding. He gained confidence, friends, and freedom going to Ontario several times a week solo. 

Eastern Oregon is so full of wide open empty spaces. 

Another chapter closes for this kiddo. We celebrate her and them and us and then. We move on to the next thing, the next kid, the next task. That's what I strive to teach my kids we enjoy the moments and move on. Not all are great or how we dreamed but we keep moving and learn from each stop in the road. Harold was not happy seeing the pictures he felt robbed of his senior experience. He can't go back and he had to find a new way. He is really good at finding his own way. As I shepherd this family of mine they each do really well finding their own way. So we provide the structure, support, love and instruction and they make their lives with their unique talents, challenges, and personalities. It's great to be a parent and work with each one. We are truly blessed. 



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