Monday, March 28, 2022

3.27.22 At home

Somedays just call for princess dresses. Lia loves to dress up. Her sisters helped her into the big dress before scripture time. 

Andrea in a rare moment alone. She's getting more alert especially late at night when I want to sleep. She's a sweetie though, you will see this is very odd for her to be alone. 
Grocery shopping when I ignored the prompting to get the baby pack my arms ached from hours holding her in the store while trying to do all the shopping. Unfortunately I was only focused on girls and totally forgot I had two boys traveling soon. I didn't get them anything. Thankfully boys are much lower maintenance and we were able to scrape together enough supplies- thank you Aliza- that they were presentable and hygenic for a weekend away from home. 

He's just cute. We are working on him sucking more trying to strengthen his mouth muscles to stop the constant drooling. Hopefully that will stop this year. 

He's growing so much. One of his talents is helping his companions increase their confidence and decide to stay. He is great at working through problems. All those years of mechanic/counseling work at the shop. 
This just made me smile. Addie is a hard worker and diligent student, so is Reed. I found them one night hiding working on homework for their language arts classes. 
This is one reason we keep having babies because they are balm to teenage souls. So sweet to love a little one. Not that MArk has a lot of angst but it's just sweet to see the two together. 

Another snapshot of our super spiritual scripture study. I tell people it's not the depth it's the trying again really ours is laughable in reverence but it is strong in habit and connectedness. These are my best times when my heart over flows and I'm able to count my blessings literally I have to count to make sure they are all there. My heart will be off if they aren't then I have to locate who is the missing person. Usually they are found on the best seat in the house, the bathroom. 

HE loves getting his turn with Andrea. He also loves books. Bruce has lots and lots of energy we try to channel him in positive ways, and are so thankful when his big brothers are home to guide him. 
Mondays are such great days, we get to hear from our missionaries. I love this gift, I love hearing about their adventures and sharing life here with them.  Isn't it amazing how similar these two look? I guess we have a few different molds we use here. 
Our activity days kids had a challenge to make a chip structure they could put their hands through. 

Then this guy worked to make a bridge from top to bottom. Who knew chips stacked into so many shapes. this was a fun challenge.
Occasionally Andrea isn't eating or sleeping and can be held by other kids. Lia is an adamant helper. She often comes and tells Andrea is the cutest baby ever or her best sister. I love her sweet sassy soul. 
We started spring break with energy. We cleaned some dirty drawers. Bruce and Afton were on fire going drawer to drawer. If only we would have kept up our whole house would be spotless but travel, tiredness, and sickness slowed us way down and we only made small progress. Some is better than none. And as with all things right now we will try again. 

There is a wise poem about letting the cobwebs and dust rest that babies grow fast and so I'm going to hold my baby. I definitely work to just hold and love my babies forging  a strong heart to heart yet separate from my internal body connection with each baby at our home, year after year. This takes a lot of time. So our house is messy, dishes are usually piled up, and milk is on the table. Yet I have got reading done, they get held, they play, and we move forward knowing eventually mom will be strong again kids will be put back in order and the messes will be managed. Usually every other day or so we get that for an hour or so. 
There is nothing super here besides being super blessed and thankful for the time off of normal with spring break. It's about to end and I'm sad and relieved. It's nice to be on schedule, its great to be on our schedule. Life is good, as I hear tractors rolling outside my windows and I continue to sit and nurse I'm pretty sure I live my best life today. 

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