Monday, March 21, 2022

3.21.22 American Legion Oratorical Contest State Level

We met with our local American legion post in mid January. Gino and officer Burkes outlined the timeline I mentally checked my internal calendar and determined the February 12- March 12 would be plenty of time to get a baby delivered and understood to be a functional parent for Aliza. Andrea complied and we were ready to travel on March 11. We left around 3 in the afternoon unknowing what was before us. We had traveled to Bend 3 years prior after that we were totally unfamiliar with the road. Thankfully our GPS works well and we trekked on. Oregon roads are very nice and due to the gas price spike there was very little traffic. We headed on amazed at the places we saw and enjoying the scenic views. Baby Andrea did very well mostly sleeping and happy if I held her. We marveled at the 3 warnings before we wound down the Santiam pass. Completing this stretch of road in the dark scared my socks off. I was thankful we only saw about 20 cars through our whole descent. I was also super thankful the road was dry and clear. At the bottom we decided those three warnings were warranted. 
At the bottom we came into the flat and were surprised to see and smell working lumber mills. 

Aliza needed a belt so we ended up at Walmart shopping for a black belt. After that stop we ordered pizza and found our hotel. The past national commander had provided a room for us, Aliza and Greg got me an Andrea in and settled then they went for pizza. Aliza went with him because she knows how to use GPS. They came back with pizza and Shari's pie. Yum. The next morning we enjoyed the complimentary breakfast and sharking hands with our local legion supporters. 

We found the hall Aliza was whisked away, Greg and I visited with veterans from around the state. Everyone has a story and we really enjoy hearing them. The contest finally began I stood in the back shushing Andrea and hoping that Aliza would be equal to the competition before her. 

I was thrilled as each contestant completed their turn. Aliza was more than equal to what I Was hearing. I was impressed with the similarities and large differences. Aliza spoke last and in my mind she had more depth of information and fact, a louder more audible pleasant toned voice, she was calm and commanding on the stage. I thought she was the leader. After hearing the amendment speeches where she again used facts and solid figures I had her in first place. Yet we had to wait for the judges decisions. 

We enjoyed meeting the other candidates and their families. Finally this lady took the stand and began announcing all the judges, supporters, and officers. 

The judges. The ladies are local teachers. 
The timers, The one on the right is our district leader. 
Finally they got to announcing. The lady called Aliza in fifth place. Greg Aliza and I were shocked but fixed our faces to be polite. Aliza stood to get her award but the room behind us irrupted in "Boo... " That's not right. ... That can't be.... Who's the judges...." The state leader took the stand and reviewed the notes. He told Aliza to sit down and they started over. After reassuring the fifth place winner that they did a great job, they called the order again and Aliza won first. 

The girl to her right was 2nd place the one to her left had placed 2nd last year she was 3rd this year. The one on the far right is a freshman who had never spoke in public before. The young man plays an instrument, his dad is a pastor. Aliza was impressed with him, their speeches were similar in concept though very different in delivery and development. 
Our local post organizer. We sure appreciate their support and care. 
My how time flies. Aliza has always been an easy kid. It's great that she has become such a pleasant, accomplished young lady. I'm thankful for the lessons she has taught us and her intelligence. It has been a wonder to watch her grow and shape her mind. 

With winning she will compete in the National competition in Indianapolis IN later in April. We will go with her. Andrea is a great traveler so far. We are enjoying our time traveling with this superstar daughter of ours. I realized we had never seen her in competition mode we've always sent her with others. She's been state level since her 7th grade year when she and friends participated in the Oregon Battle of the Books. She went again her 8th grade year. In high school she had her freshman year with Anna competing in Ag Sales, and Dairy Foods at state level. Then in the year of COVID they virtually presented their market plan at state via ZOOM. Her junior year she did Ag Sales and dairy foods at state. This year thankfully the world is back to in person so she has had Ag Sales, and Speaking in person. That's impressive to compete at such a high level year after year. We were impressed with her focus and inner resolve. She's much more animated when the contest is over.  

This senior experience is our first as Anna and Harold were both denied due to COVID. They had other experiences and have moved on but it is a ride of intense emotions and feelings. We love her and marvel at her ability to remember and handle the heavy stress and amounts of knowledge due to her choices. Not only the 6 speeches, but 4 college classes, scholarships, and helping with FFA activities. Thankfully she will enjoy this spring break with easy mundane tasks that don't require a lot of brains but some muscle and time to take restorative naps. Life is good we are blessed so abundantly with good kids and opportunities. 


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