Tuesday, March 29, 2022

3.29.22 Spring Break the next part

Random pictures like these occassionaly show up on my phone. I love seeing my missionary at work with the great people he serves/ 

Likewise Monday's are great. I'm not sure the younger ones will know them but Lia was counting everyone today and told me were missing Anna and Harold and they needed to come. I told her they wouldn't be home soon but that we would see them Monday. Some weeks I really miss them but our Monday chats have made the time fly and it's always so reassuring to hear their testimonies and happiness in the work they are doing. 

Meanwhile the next set is growing and learning similar lessons that shaped the missionaries. We hope the same recipe will produce similar results- different flavors and shapes of course but similar results. 
A major ingredient to our family raising kids plan is, of course, working with animals- as a team. Another big steer was ready to be butchered. This time no dad or mom help. The kids have been trained well and managed just fine. Always there is that rush of adrenaline, a few tense minutes, and in the end all is well. 
More learning and help. 

Every time we take an animal to be butchered Bruce asks if we can see it be killed. Well the day we dropped off the steer we were able to watch the workers cut up some quarters. The kids were impressed. I asked hesitantly if we could in fact watch and animal be killed. The butcher said "Sure we will be killing all day tomorrow."
 For the next 24 hours Bruce asked repeatedly when we were going? We got ready and loaded the kids were excited. We got there as they were just finishing our steer that's they white mass hanging. They had one goat left. Well with a bit of trepidation the kids watched as the large door opened. I waited outside with Millie and Merle. I heard the shot then lots of baa-ing. I thought that odd. The kids stayed still watching at the door. Later I learned the shooter had missed and they had to instead just slit the throat. This was more dramatic than I had hoped but the kids did fine with the show. 
I had priced a trip to the zoo, then kids started getting stomach flu one by two day after day. When I came down with it my desire was lost to do more than survive so the butcher thing sounded like we could at least count we had done some thing over the long break. And I'm all about learning, in the past we watched it and I found the systems fascinating to see in real life. This trip did not disappoint and it was an added bonus to talk with the butcher and learn from him and the workers first hand. 
Though Millie was not a fan she did get the chance to stamp the label on some wrapped meat packages and thought that was a good trade.

Another big milestone we finally got this guy to the DMV for his permit test. He's a smarty and passed first try. I love the new appointment system. We walked right in after a 2 minute wait we were getting helped and had our business done in about half an hour. I did feel for those who were waiting on the standby side of the room they were about 20 deep and didn't move while we occupied one officials booth for our needs. He is one of my best new drivers. No surprise as he has spent the most time behind the wheel of tractors. Life in the passenger seat is good. 

The days passed quick and slow like all family life does. It's great to be together and have time and great to be doing and becoming. So off to the school races we go again. Life is good

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