Thursday, March 31, 2022

3.31.22 Snaps

One of the best parts of early spring is we still have time to breathe. Greg is not swamped and is home a little more. We aren't farming full blast and have time to be a little silly. As Lia says Merle is cute. He is in love with his dad and demands as much time as Greg can give him. 

Late Saturday night while we were away I finally remembered it was Reed's birthday after a simple text from Addie stating they had made him a birthday cake. I felt horrible to have totally forgotten his birth day. We called and wished him a happy day. When we returned the next day we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and cake with cousins and grandma Saunders. Reed is pretty understanding and patient waiting a day for the cakes was no big deal to him. We had his favorite dinner- steak- the next day too. 

After all this winning we had some more preparation to do. Clothes. A major benefit of FFA is the uniform, the legion contest just says business casual. Thus, the search began for tall clothes. Thankfully, we have been able to find articles that are just right 

Merle loves his sister. While he sometimes bites her toes or scratches her head he is mostly just vying for attention. 

He always wants a turn to hold her. 
Because nursing is such a worrisome challenge I was so excited to see some round cheeks while shopping with Aliza. There were no chairs so Andrea and I sat on the floor waiting, watching, and teaching her about styles. 

I told my mom one day I don't do much especially on the farm these days. She remarked I had my plate full just feeding and clothing the people here. She helps out with that occasionally. This was one of her surprise gifts. New church clothes for the younger set. Mr. Merle Man looked dapper in his new ensemble. Complete with new orthotic shoes. We are trying to help his slightly club foot. He moves just fine with or without shoes but if we can help make his foot more correct then we will. 

Lia was beautiful in her new dress too. The other kids changed very fast as per Addie's instructions after church. She runs a tight ship. We stay after with Mark as he gathers all the garbage from the building. WE inevitably visit with ward members as well. Addie hates when we visit so she gets Aliza to drive the big van home and thus when we arrive later kids are changed and food is happening. 

Addie captured this picture one night and shared it with me. The power of example is strong in a big family. I most of what the older kids teach the younger. Although Bruce can sing and loves the song the beer, the wine, the whiskey ... thanks to what the big kids listened to, mostly they are good influences. Life is good we are blessed. 

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