Thursday, March 3, 2022

3.3.23 Blur

We are abundantly blessed with healthy, active, curious, energetic children. Lots of them. They have not felt the need to slow down or hibernate. They are not adjusting to less sleep. They cry and act out. They are managing as they can at their level. I learned years ago to slow the train down not speed it up when major changes happen. I am not heroic or superhuman in my desires or actions each day. I spend a lot of time holding kids trying to fill their emotional buckets. I hurry trying to do a few small chores and then sit again for a few more hours. 
I wish this was me. But am so so thankful for the older sister pictured here who bails me out when the crying gets to be too much. I'm grateful her schedule has allowed her to be home in the mornings to help us get going or to allow a window for other appointments. 
This guy is also energetic. He has discovered basketball on his mission. He shoots hoops while he visits with us. I'm glad he calls and I'm thankful for who he is becoming. He is great with people and has helped others work through their fears and given them confidence and space to find what their problems are. I love his no nonsense and yet kind approach to dealing with others. 
My sweet sister missionary and companion. Always a ham. I'm thankful she is more communicative. It would be really hard if we only had the one. thankfully Anna writes letters homes, emails, talks to us all and sends a lot of pictures. These two have always balanced each other pretty perfectly. Love them both and so thankful they are out living their lives. 

My constant shadow. he insists I have one arm around him and one arm working to nurse and hold Andrea. He's pretty demanding but so cute. 
We are across the board here on expectations and needs. 
I'm thankful for the pictures I receive from members in his mission. This one was titled Elder joined the marines. I though what?? He's suppose to be on a mission. I'm glad he gets to know and work with so many different people. 

I got this on Sunday he and his companion were helping in primary. There was a video as well. The kids placed the hearts on the elders. Harold has always loved kids, I'm glad he can still interact with them. The blessings are there. The numbness of newborn stage is real. I feel like a zombie. I'm trying not to give too much room for all the I should be doing more, and why is this so hard, and this is never going to change thoughts that happen during this time. The proof is actively under my nose and on my phone. Life changes quickly, nursing and newborn stage of bonding and intense needs morph into bigger kids and more rest. We will be fine. We will stretch some more and continue trying to love them all enough that they feel content. I'm trying to listen to the general conference talks this month along with come follow me and scriptures, mixed with the current news and reading some Jeanette Oke books and some kids books out loud. The time passes and we are past two weeks of having Andrea in our home. Life is good. 


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