Tuesday, March 8, 2022

3.8.22 Ramen noodles and pacifiers

A friend asked how I have time to grocery shop? In fact many have offered to get us groceries. That's an easy one here I send my teenagers to do the shopping. I remember this privalige growing up My sister got to shop more often than I and boy did she bring home some good stuff. We didn't do a lot of processed food growing up, or sugar food. But when my sister shopped she bought cold cereal, ice cream, and probably some other good stuff I can't remember. At my house we eat sugar and some processed food- canned chili for lunch today but I don't buy Ramen. My kids somehow gained a huge love of Ramen.
This is Alia waiting for her Ramen to cook, she is telling her sisters how much she loves them for making her Ramen. 

My kind ministering sister sent this quilt over for Andrea. I'm suppose to minister to her but she is far better at loving me. The card that accompanied the quilt is a keepsake. I have so appreciated the many sisters older than I that have encouraged and been so kind to me in my childbearing experiences. Their love, smiles, words of wisdom, and friendship have lifted my sleepy eyes and helped me feel confident in my choice to be a mother.

I'm so thankful when Greg is here. He calms the waters or stirs them up as need may be. This day he had come home early to take us on a quick trip to see a corn planter. These kids were so excited to go with Dad. They slept we visited, it was nice just to be together. 
I think this picture was taken because these two got to eat breakfast when the rest of the house was fasting. The long long day of no food for like 6 hours. So they document the lucky ones. Fasting is hard I will admit, I'm pleased the kids choose to do what they can. 

 This Sunday was my first back at ward counsel. I was late, sat in the corner and tried to be discreet. I had fed the baby well before we went and thought we could manage an hour. She started to get restless on her pacifier she finally spit it out while I was talking it rolled away. That literally being her plug I knew we were in trouble. A member of the bishopbric hit his knees as did the mission leader. I joined them baby in arms searching for the pacifier. Finally it was spotted between the bishops feet he had just stepped on it. He returned it to me and we departed as she was fussing by then. Oh well we try we add variety where ever we go and whatever we do. 

I'm thankful for each one and aware we are blessed with abundant grace from God to manage, to be in this situation, and to keep going. Life is good. 

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