Monday, March 28, 2022

3.28.22 Spelling Bee

When it rains it sometimes pours in a big family. A few days before and inbetween the Aliza speaking journey was the spelling Bee. Millie had been practiving for a month. Addie had missed the cut by one and though the classmate said she didn't want to compete and Addie looked at the list a time or two she wasn't serious about study. However, two days prior to the contest Addie was notified she would in fact have the chance to represent her school at the bee. Addie got to work asking anyone who would to quiz her on just a few words when she was home. 
I worked with her the night before we went through the entire list for her grade. I knew the words and so did she. 
Our cousins on my side are big contenders at the bee. Thankfully Addie and Millie are not in their grades. I was told the bee started at 9:30 so I wasn't in a big hurry. Yet, I received a text at 8:15 asking where to sit and was told it was actually starting at 8:30. I hurried and got ready with Andrea and we dashed for the contest. I was thankful to be able to watch via my phone as I drove. Millie did so well. I too was unsure where to park, which building to enter, etc. Hence the huge relief when the greeter was none other than my sweet niece Cadi. She gave me a map and a badge. WE hurried away still listening. Unfortunately Millie was spelled off and was out we were just outside the door. I entered and watched the rest of the contest it was nerve wracking. 

A picture with Cousin Michael who also competed. Pretty unique to have three from the same family pool competing. Grandma Lasley was pretty pleased to claim that title. It was interesting to meet the teachers she works with as a support aide. 
Then it was time for Addie's contest. The words were not familiar and a mom and I looked at each other questioning if they had the correct list? Finally with encouragement from another crowd member I stopped the contest and asked if the list was correct, they assured me it was and after the first three spellers missing their first word Addie and her competition spelled off until Addie won. 
In the finals Addie missed the word picnicking. I had learned and drilled that word with Livy and Millie last year when we homeschooled. Oh well Addie chose public school and missed out I guess. In the end it was a fun day. We appreciated all the family support and encouragement. 

There were a lot of spellers and schools represented. I loved the diverse group that matched brainpower this day. It was also very interesting to see the differences in schools. 

I got this picture from grandma Saunders who was watching the younger kids for me. He was hoarding his desired toys from Myla his cousin. 
Sometimes it feels like we are a sinking ship and sometimes it feels like we are floating in the stars. It's not politically correct to say we are proud of our kids. So we hope they feel proud of themselves for their accomplishments based on their work, talents, and luck. Some get noticed some do not in the family or it's not their season. It's hard to balance the ones getting the attention with the ones that are not. We are thankful for the teachers, family, and siblings who support our kiddos in their pursuits. We are thankful for many opportunities and days like these that are thrilling, challenging, and victorious. It's nice to win. We are blessed. 

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