Saturday, March 5, 2022

3.5.22 Cousin Weekend

One activity the kids love but rarely happens here is target practice. Thanks to the slow time on the farm they had time this weekend to practice their coordination. 

Greg is probably pretty sore from all the throwing. I'm pretty sure most the clays broke on impact not in the air. We need a lot more practice but we took the time we had and gained some know how in the prcoess. 
Greg always has a child in his lap when he eats. It drives me crazy I want to eat in peace. He is patient and generous in sharing his dinner and preferences with little ones who learn to eat all the good stuff from their dad. 
The kids love parchessi.
And visiting and watching movies.
We took a very rare opportunity to load up in a maxi van and drive around on a Sunday afternoon showing the visitors what our valley looks like and where our water comes from. It was fun and encouraging to see moving water flowing into our reservoir. 
We heard some family history stories, Greg took a nap because he was sitting down. 
More eating, we do a lot of that and boy was it tasty!
Cousins. The genetics from my side show up in the size of my kids, not their height primarily but their large bone structures. 

Mark loves to hold Andrea. She too will get bigger right now she's petitite but the DNA is there she will fill out. 
Celebrating Grandpa's 74 birthday with only 10 or 12 candles. 
Another example these two are about a month apart. Lia is a lot bigger but very similar in traits and actions. So fun to play and enjoy spending time together for a few days. 

 We are thankful for all our bountiful family. Truly the support, love, encouragement, prayers, and friendships enrich our lives and motivate us onward. Life is good!

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