Tuesday, April 12, 2022

4.12.22 Missionaries

How we love our missionaries and the great companions they serve with. We got a few videos from Anna yesterday one was of her serving her roommate pancakes in bed with a candle for her birthday. These two have had a great time working together this transfer. 
Because of high gas prices Harold was transferred to riding a bike 4 days a week. After much back and forth consulting on which bike to purchase, this was the end product. He's happy with the buy and was further validated at a members house who only buys specialized brand- 15 of them for various riding applications. 

And the result of all that bike riding is a more physically spent elder! That's great!!

Don't worry they still find time to hang out at the beach. 
Anna was making herself breakfast and made toast with cheese, eggs, and ham. Bruce thought that sounded yummy so we also make that here. 
I even added tomatoes which he likes, he was not impressed with my offering and did not eat it. Merle ate some and I ate some. Spoiled kids. 
Harold at a mission conference with the president. 
His current zone. 

 This is a special time in our family kids going all different directions it will be a long time before we are all together again, but we will embrace the 12 we have in our home or the 11 or10 or 2. We live in a day of modern miracles with facetime and texts and instant messages we can send pictures and videos with ease. It is almost too easy to stay connected. I don't communicate with the kids everyday but I send them snippets of life here and there. We are blessed as are they for this unique time that will greatly influence the rest of their life. 

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