Monday, April 4, 2022

4.4.22 Growing up

The young teenagers were able or forced into a school dance activity. Can you spot Addie- she's almost a where's WALDO when it comes to finding her in group pictures. She has a great group of peers. 
This is proof she danced. So thankful for young men who will ask girls to dance, and for teachers who had taught dance classes last fall that give confidence in getting through one song at a time. 
Reed was not so fortunate to have the classes in August, this was his first dance. However, he asked a few girls and made it through, Reed is a quick learner!
However he preferred to hang out in the corner. His teacher is there trying to get him on the floor moving!
Livy found a way to do school one day under an umbrella, hiding. Yet this picture of her reading is cause for celebration! She has taken off in the last week reading everything she gets her hands on. 
She's getting more vocal too. While holding Andrea one evening she threw her hair over her and said I look like Anna with my hair tossed over. Yes they do, love them both. 
Aliza was in the local paper. 

Some of my readers excited to have fresh words to enliven their hungry minds. 
While I was gone one day Merle was happy to enjoy the spring weather. 
Very tired kids and mom sitting nursing to end the day we were watching Finding Nemo while waiting for kids to get through their baths. Spring means outside exploring which means lots and lots of dirt. Baths are necessary much more often. 

She smiles but I haven't caught it yet. Once or twice a day she provides a real grin. She is growing her face is rounding up a bit as is her tummy. I love her sweetness. She is happiest with me but will allow Aliza, Millie, and Livy to hold her for a while. She sleeps well- a true blessing having lots of kids- and is pretty mellow. 


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