Thursday, April 21, 2022

4.21.22 Spring Pig time of year

With spring in the air it's time to get the fair pigs on the property again. This week pictures are due so the fun of chasing and trying to get in the picture with one begins. And the distinct smell of pig is yet again in my midst. Aliza studying and preparing her plan of action. 
Bruce loves the pigs and with Livy's help is the main pig wrangler while the older kids are at school each day. 

Where there is dirt and toys there has to be water. 

Livy working on school and Bruce getting a turn with Andrea while I vacuum. 

She's getting bigger somedays she is independent and somedays she just demands to be held all day long. 

Afton started a bean seed growing at school in a plastic baggie. She brought it home made a hole with her finger in this pot with soil and planted it. I thought for sure it would ide but that bean is growing! It's impressive to watch it continue to thrive. Afton has hopes of eating beans off of it. We shall see that would be miraculous if it produced fruit. 

My normal sleeping babies after crying babies. I am blessed and tired, and frustrated at no me space let alone time, and thankful for these trusting kiddos, and happy they are adapting to their situations. Up and down on the teeter-totter of motherhood all day everyday trying to change what isn't working, having self-discipline, faith, grace, love, charity, forgiveness, grit, on and on. Adult life is much more challenging than I ever imagined. 

A sweet visit with my Anna. How I miss her, last week it was hard thinking how much longer they would be gone, wasn't this enough time to get the experience? But alas there is still a year for her to go and 1.5 years for Harold. I haven't spoke with Harold since the bike purchase, he's fine. I'm going with the no news is good news he's growing finally without lots of family watching and giving advice. It's all good just another side of parenting unique kids. 

As  we strive every week to learn, understand, and apply the gospel of Jesus Christ as we navigate life I'm thankful for scriptural help. I'm thankful for the thinking of my children they ponder things I have never considered. Reed questioned how Jesus' hands were removed from the cross? Aliza and Mark wanted to know if Jesus had to suffer spiritual death after he died or if it was covered while he was suffering in mortality. Things I have not considered. And as they earnestly ask I'm thinking - you think I know but I have no idea. Some situations I know what to do and others are on the fly, or handled wrong and I regret it and try to fix the bad judgement or action. Parents are not all knowing. And just because I ahve my first 20 years past I am still working on similar failings, fears, and follies. Yet I have concrete evidence we aren't awful and the kids turn out ok in spite of my still growing up. My prayers now aren't to just survive the days but to have the stamina to keep up the process and to endure the parenting journey well. 
I have loved learning with my kids. Plantains are currently ripening on the counter to try with Alivia from a math lesson she had last week. I study more intently to teach my children what they need or want to know. Currently researching why chicks don't develop to hatching, political stuff for discussion, gospel, books to read aloud, how to write for state testing, weight training etc etc etc. I know God has, does, and will help Greg and I in this mighty undertaking. We are blessed. 


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