Tuesday, April 5, 2022

4.5.22 General Conference

My specific  question for general conference was how to create or bring down miracles like ancestors in the past? We have a long history of farm miracles happening just in time and in spectacular ways. This year with an intense drought shaking up it's taking a lot of faith to plant. I've heard the stories and now am putting our faith to the test that we will in fact get a saleable crop. I listened with the crew. The missionaries joined us for the first session. The kids were super into conference Bingo. 

They liked it more when we used Jelly Beans for markers. 

As always there is lots of food. Donuts did not disappoint. Millie was up early to go help grandma. Livy and Millie have become the new helpers peeling mounds of potatoes in addition to making beds prior to company and being the main helpers while they are here. Grandma is really good at finding a job for everyone and fostering self-confidence from being a help in making events happen. 

Conference watching is not all reverent, there is plenty of shushing and threats to our conference spirituality. 
Some are lucky to get naps.
And then there is the having fun with cousins after a long day of listening. I think the shared experience helps create unity. 

And everyone loves to ham it up for Addie's camera. 

This is the dessert line. Chocolate fudge sundaes with brownies!
Apparently John cut in line, I don't think even three of the little boys could move him though they might be trying. 

After dessert the games come out. The kids are very competitive and enjoy a thorough round of parcheesi. Grandma loves Boggle. 

The younger kids love candy land. 
Merle is wearing shoes all day now to help his ankles. Socks are a new important part of getting dressed, Lia is a kind helper. 
Everybody loves to love a baby. 
Especially Merle. He loves his sister and makes sure he is always close to her. He has mastered saying her name. She is pretty patient with his constant attention. 

 I was surprised to wake up from a needed nap to hear the prophet speaking specifically about miracles. I will have to revisit the talk but I'm thankful for answers to prayers and the ease with which we can study and be reminded of the inspired message for these next months. We are so blessed to have a prophet in our midst. It is good to carry on traditions, the kids loved the time with cousins. As always I feel saturated with suggestions, impressions, and direction for life. Slow and steady small steps each day while hanging onto what is good and what each day delivers will keep us moving forward. Life is good. 

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