Saturday, April 23, 2022

4.23.22 Living the Life

Bruce loves to take pictures. Hundreds of pictures at a time. I must concede he is a handsome guy and worth hundreds of pictures but alas we must pick the best and only keep those. 

This lady is giving fast smiles. She is maturing and battling through her first cold well. I'm thankful she seems to be very healthy for all the efforts of her siblings to develop her immune system she is doing well. 
A favorite pastime here is chips and salsa. Oh how we love that! Alivia demanded we make salsa last year so we could indulge in the year to come. Yesterday Lia was walking around with a shirt turned up to hold her chip stash. She shared with me as I blogged. Turned up shirts hold all kinds of treasures, toys, candy, eggs from outside you just never know what will be found in the folded shirt. 
A first at our house John got asked to Prom by a lovely lady in his seminary class. Sadly I will miss this prom too. I'm not distraught as I missed Aliza's prom last year in the hospital with Mark, but I do wish I could see how he looks etc. Oh well we will hear about it in random pictures I hope. 
Aliza and Andrea sharing a moment of connection. 
A recent ag mechanics competition. John and Mark both went along to investigate the activities. Totally new and knowing nothing of what was expected they are now in serious training with Mr. Noble the past ag teacher who was very competitive with this skill set. I'm so thankful he shares his retirement time with willing students and for the graciousness of the current advisor to accept his help. 
Mr. Tractor himself. Since he was born tractors have been Mark's passion. 
Wiring circuits. John placed in the rare group of 5 who's circuits worked when finished. 
More kids in training after loading yearlings to sell the crew gathered for an apology session for the lost tempers and hasty hollering. We are a team and get the jobs done but sometimes it goes too far and so I'm sorry is the grand finale. 
We are fortunate to have so many opportunities to learn and grow and of course to repent and forgive. Man loves his dad and the farm almost as much. Bruce schemes to get out of going to the farm and Merle looks forward to it and demands to go every time he can. One project from the weekend getting a much improved more sturdy bull pen assembled. 

All day Friday Mark and I hauled farm stuff. Then Saturday this was assembled. So thankful for a safer containment. We made a successful trip to the junk yard. It's so refreshing to get rid of junk. And it's pretty mind blowing to watch the huge equipment work. I made sure Reed came along with Mark as it's a dynamic show. 
We watched the crane operator disassemble this huge corn head in about 5 minutes. The precision with which he showed was just astounding. 


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