Tuesday, April 19, 2022

4.19.22 Snaps

Livy has always loved dressing up the babies Andrea got her first makeover last week. Looking sharp little one. 
Aliza is deep in preparation mode. One of the first steps was getting her outfit for the competition completed. Thankfully Grandma Saunders and Aunt Brenda stepped up to taking a nice jacket to customized and perfectly flattering. We are thankful for their assistance and skills. Most important is Aliza feels confident and just a little bit ahead because she looks her best. 

Andrea is growing and rounding out nicely! After six weeks of worrying we are so thankful to be entering the squishy baby phase. She is happier, when held, and content mostly just nursing. This is important because there is a nationwide shortage of baby formula. There are hungry babies out there and I'm thankful mine is not in that predicament. 

Millie has a teacher who loves science. They are monitoring the growth of cabbages. This group has the last cabbage in the experiment the others all fell prey to bugs. We love our kids school. 

And we love to do school at home too. Everyday! Livy is making progress though and for that we are thankful. She is getting more confident and has enjoyed the varied parts of learning this year. 

Bruce loves to hold Andrea here he has just been reminded to hold her head. 

Mark also loves to hold her. He's been working hard on getting ready for the farm season, it is so good to have him healthy and strong this year. He and Reed are quite the team. Merle loves to go with them too. 

Livy showing her latest painting. Black matching the Black Beauty book she read a few months ago.

Millie also showing her painting. This was a hard picture for them they were very anxious to finish the piece and had to be reminded often to slow down and take their time. I was happy to see the result of their many weeks of work. 

Mark has been updating and repairing the new corn seed planter. I'm excited to see how the machine works and the crop stand from it. 

Man always is close to Andrea especially when we are nursing he has to be right there. He is not always kind I think the phrase I say the most is "Be careful with her!" He likes to squeeze and lick her oh the fun of having a brother.  

The long days are wearing all of is here. Scriptures are definitely sleep inducing. 

Merle is now 2. Thankfully his brothers help him- light the candles, blow them out, and eat the brownies. 

 John finished the event showing us how to extinguish a match in his mouth. Boys are so unique in what they dare and what they think is entertaining. 

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