Sunday, April 24, 2022

4.24.22 Stages

13 times I've had kids playing the flour bucket. Flinging loose white flour everywhere carpet is harder, but nothing picks it all up. Flour plugs the vacuum filter, is too fine for the broom to complete the clean up and whatever is left is slick on tile. However being blessed to have 13 times to be a mom and now 14 with Andrea who is not yet too messy other than the occasional spit up we are thankful. 
Everyday for over a week this guy was in the flour. If he started it Alia was happy to help him. He found buckets under the table barely accessible first. That play was spread all over the stairs. Next he caught me in between cooking sessions by the stove. Next it was by the phone. And finally he found this bucket with a spoon in hand no less and started scooping. Montessori teachers call this sensory play.  

He also loves his new shoes. I think they are helping he adamantly wears them all day. 

Sometimes he spends time on my head watching the other kids play outside. 

A Bruce selfie session. 

Merle enjoying his new tractor. He was doing so much better with his drooling then a cold hit and his tooth swelled in his gum, the same tooth that has been refusing to come down. I'm pretty sure the upper right quadrant of his mouth is where the most damage was sustained when he fell down the stairs a year ago. 
He put two words together and said tractor nice. He has driven it all over the house. 

Another benefit of being the mom again and again the sweet snuggles for years. 

And an answer to prayers snow in April. We are so thankful for each drop of moisture we get this year as we are in dire need of water. The grass was covered for a bit and yet most of my families crops did not freeze. We are thankful and hopeful this year will be ok. Any crops that make saleable condition are in high demand. 
I am blessed again and again year after year with these messy demanding bodies that love so freely and keep Greg and I on our toes. 

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