Wednesday, April 20, 2022

4.20.22 Easter

Easter week was hit and miss. We sometimes had every together and had some great conversations so that was a hit. We did lots of activities, watched Easter movies about Christ and the atonement those were hits as well. And then it was lots of crying and fighting, and late nights, and not being all together and those were misses. 
Wednesday we got busy filling plastic Easter eggs for the community Easter egg hunt and our family hunt. The kids waited 5 days from when Aliza and Addie purchased the supplies to when I let them begin filling them. They had to eat dinner first or that was the plan, of course the older half of the family was gone with mutual and such so dinner waits between shifts. 

Millie making the bags of candy for the teenagers who wouldn't be hunting eggs. 
My crew baby always wanting to be close or safe maybe. And man always wanting to be right there too. 
Older kids presented this program 4 times last week. It was beautiful and I'm so thankful they were able to marinate in the message of Jesus Christ for 3 months of Sundays. It is a great experience. 
Saturday we got to dye easter eggs. I'm so thankful Addie will head up activities like this while I deal with baby and other stuff like food. 

Livy enjoying new DIY books Aliza aquired from an older man who is moving. The kids have really enjoyed the pictures and instructions on everything you could imagine wanting to do. 

Greg's family makes easter cupcakes for the holiday. Millie was on that project, while Alivia made the cheesy potatoes for Sunday dinner. 
Reed, Mark and Greg built or arranged the bull pen and moved the bull from the herd. 
Finished cupcakes Bruce and Afton placed teh jelly beans the more the better was their thought. 
John was having adventures in Portland with the auto team. He placed 5th. 
Sunday morning easter egg hunt. The kids hunt, and hide all morning long. 

Then we attempted Easter bunny pancakes but those are really hard to shape and flip so we had delicious pancakes with raspberry syrup and whip cream, with deviled eggs. 

 This week's come follow me is about Jethro instructing Moses to share his responsibilities to delegate. The discussion questioned if parents share enough with their children so that they can become competent even experts. Here that is a survival skill I cannot cover all the bases I'm thankful for the big kids rescuing me and the younger kids. I'm thank for auto-pilot, and I'm thankful for hte many hands that are in my home. We are grateful for each one. As the chaos swirled and I was texting with my sister about something else she likened it to a circus. That's pretty accurate a 3 ring or 4 ring circus wild acts and entertainment or responsibilities all the time. Yet as we see the products in our older kids I'm thankful they are so able and hope that the method works again and again for the younger crew. Life is good and we are blessed. 

A few weeks ago I was pondering the question what would my life be like without the gospel  and decided that was too cliché so I switched to how is my life blessed because of the gosepl. Biggest experience is right here this big boisterous family. I would not have had all these children without belief in the plan of Salvation that spirits must have bodies to progress and I can help in the process. I'm blessed with health, my children are healthy, we have enough and it is doable here. Bruce and Alia have been asking lately if we are rich? I tell them yes because we have each of them. They are my joy and dedication. So I try to view the very demanding time we are in through that lens. I get grouchy and overwhelmed but it's gonna pass and thankfully outside is part of our life again!!! Yay spring.

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