Friday, April 22, 2022

4.22.22 Grandma's 81 Birthday

Grandma's birthday wish is to have all her family together. We almost accomplished that this year. My mom hired a photographer to provide proof of the accumulated gathering. Seated on both sides of my grandma are her children then their spouses. 

Anna and Harold both managed to facetime with her for a few minutes too. 
Andrea done for the party. 

Of course the kids didn't eat a lot at the event but they were thrilled to have leftovers to eat when we got home. The Macaroni and Cheese was  hit along with the cooked vegetables. 

A very rare picture with my siblings. I see some resemblances and am so thankful for their trailblazing and examples. These are literally my people for better and worse we have each others backs always. 

The cousin twins. John born about 24 hours before Megan. It's been fun watching these two grow up. 
Our family with grandma Saunders. It's perplexing to post family pictures minus two of our family yet representative of our family now. 

Grandma loves babies, we haven't seen Grandma much since she has been born leaving the house is daunting at best and grandma is a busy lady. She began volunteering at the local grade school after my grandfather died and has continued to help struggling students on a daily basis. 

The girls with their cousins. There are more girls than boys in the family and most the boys are in the upper half of the cousin group. 
My mom and her mom. 
My sweetheart who wisely advises on how to manage the constantly changing dynamic of a large extended family. 

 I'm thankful for the sealing bonds that tie our family together for eternity. Each people relationship requires lots of love, attention, forgiveness, and laughter. Our family is no exception. There are so many memories of good, special, normal holidays and every days. There have been hurt feelings and tears, followed with apologies and time to soothe the hurt. There have been prayers and petitions to God for all of these occurrences. Truly God's grace has sustained, maintained, and been the mortar holding this family together. I'm eternally grateful and aware for the choice my mom made to be an active member of the church of Jesus Christ. Her faith led all of us to Him and has given us the gift of joy and peace. Through Grandma's work and love of genealogy she too extends this gift to generations that are past. We are all connected throughout time because of both of there efforts. We are truly blessed to work through mortality together with and looking towards Christ. Life is good. 

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