Wednesday, April 27, 2022

4.27.22 Prom

While we were in Indianapolis John was headed to Prom. A picture of him with his sweet date prior to the big first date.
I got frantic texts while I was trying to get a ride arranged from the speedway. These were not good moments. I told John and Addie to figure out their own solution as there was no way we could walk back to the hotel but it was looking like our only option due to lack of carseat.

So Addie accompanied John to Grace's house to watch the spider man movie. Both of them like Marvel and John rarely gets a chance to watch movies especially action ones he likes. A group was suppose to join them but their plans changed. So Addie tagged along and got a lot of pictures. I love how genuinely happy John is. 

I also love that her parents are right there and her mom is assisting with all these strange rituals of flower exchanging. Why do we do that? 

After flowers were exchanged the couples met at the church and took more pictures with more parental observation. 

Then they loaded up- so happy to see John hopefully assisting his date into the car. Dinner was in Ontario at Romio's. John said it was delicious. 
After dinner they went to the dance. That was new they are always raucous events with raunchy music and a weird vibe from normal. They danced got more pictures and went home. Her date said it was her best night to date in her life, John looks like he had a great time. I'm thankful for Uncle Jon loaning the vest, for Papa being willing to share jackets, and grandma for loaning him gas money. Another first in the books and a blessing to have such a positive experience. Life is good. 

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