Wednesday, July 6, 2022

7.13.22 3rd of July rest and Come Follow Me

I love the day of Sunday because we rest and spend it together as a family. Bruce has an energetic innovative teacher. HE is showing me the chalk drawings they did to decorate the church sidewalks for the parade the next day.

Greg watching come follow me podcasts with the kiddos. 
As we listened to the podcast the host shared the story about Elijah and the angel bringing him cake when he was tired. I heard this story last year and just loved it! I love that when we are down the Lord doesn't say buck up or well that's too bad.  But he sends and angel with cake and instructions to take a nap and then seconds! How compassionate and loving. She said wouldn't it be great if everyone could have a little cake today. I had read the day before about strengthening and teaching our children to keep their covenants. With these two things in mind I realized Millie could make cupcakes and we could share them after church. The kids brought them to church ready to share. After church Greg, Mark and I went to a few places then we called home and had the other kids brought to town so we could go to other places and share a bit of cake. 

 I'm always surprised by how lonely people are and how many hard times there are. Likewise its sometimes easy to lift the burden. That's the promise to mourn with those who mourn, to lift their burden, to love others. We shared the story of Elijah, we shared some cake, and we shared some time. We eventually got our naps, we eventually ate. We were lifted too! I love serving with my children and helping them to see they can make people happy just by spending some time with them. We are blessed as we reach out. I love studying the gospels through come follow me. We don't do it everyday I try to study it 5 days a week. Sometimes I share, I play the podcasts and the kids get parts when they are around. Greg plays it before church on Sunday they get more there. I heard a story about mothers in Hungry that worked to protect their children from the indoctrination of Communism. Every night they would go to their basement and cellars and sing, pray and teach their children the true history of their country. They said they were washing away the evil of the day and they actually rose up stronger because of their intentional practice of teaching truth and light in their home. I too can do that in my home. It takes a log of time, it takes, patience and repentance, it takes trying again and again. Life is good and God is with us!

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