Tuesday, September 27, 2022

9-27-22 Painting

Life has been pretty full with the kids back in school and our house continually evolving. At the beginning of the summer I asked Aliza to paint the house. She thought I was kidding or just dreaming. Well with one week left before her departure for college I saw the window to make my dream come true. While she was out doing errands I asked her to buy paint. The next day she began painting the house. 

She was not a happy camper to be doing this project and to be fair it was not easy. Our two level house is challenging to work on. She was diligent and used that one can and the three others I bought. The house looks much better. I'm thankful for her skill and time. In the midst of all this we had a little summer storm that broke a tree. Thankfully it did not break Anna's car. We will put this in blessings of missionary service category. 
I was gone when the storm hit the kids at home were of course worried. Afton gathered them around and said a prayer the storm would stop. Her prayer was answered pretty quickly. I love hearing these stories of how they choose to act in faith. Now to remember that story and help it become part of her testimony. 
This lady is growing up fast. She crawls and wants to be standing. She can't quite pull herself up but can hold herself for a little while. 
Shes also taken to food. She loves to nurse but also love mashed potatoes, and whatever Greg will feed her. I stick with mush and fruit.
My Uncle Archie was finally laid to rest on a beautiful Saturday morning in August. We had a short program and photo. Is there anything done in this millenium without pictures. I've been wondering about our cultural obsession with photos. When I am alone I don't take many photos, well unless I'm driving around then I take pictures to show the family back at home. I think people use to journal or write letters now we take pictures. 

 MY two busy little ones. She is working at crawling up the stairs. Of course Man is there watching. HE loves her fiercely. He is very protective and concerned about her. He has been working on learning to control himself and is almost fully potty trained. I'm thankful for the time and energy to devote to him. At our house potty training is about all of us remembering the little one and taking them often enough for success. Sure enough several chocolate candies later for #2 in the potty I'm getting more confident in his and our abilities.  
It's a good work to be a mom. We are blessed.

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