Tuesday, September 27, 2022

9.29.22 Missionary Mondays

Having two missionaries is quite the experience. To say they are missed is an understatement. While I'm so thankful for their decision to go, and the lessons they are learning from testimony, to personal responsibility, to insights into life it, to interpersonal relationships missions are broad education. Thankfully I'm able to communicate with them sometimes just a few short texts with Harold, but always a talk with Anna.   
Anna is chatty and communicates well. She is thoughtful and sends meaningful notes and cards often. We look forward to reliably hearing from her every monday. Harold is busy with his own missionary experience and calls less often. This is fine they can call as they need there is no requirement. Yesterday I was delighted to have both of them on the phone along with these two who were awake. 
Harold calls Andrea the stranger. He misses getting to be part of her baby stage. BRuce remembers him, Merle not so much right now. Merle does remember or talks about Anna as the other kids do. 
So this is the fire truck. Harold and his companion helped an investigator friend get it working again. The man told them no one had been able to solve the no-run problem. The challenge was accepted and the two elders with the exact skill set to accomplish this mission were there to make it happen. Working just one hour a day for three weeks they got that old beauty running. The man was impressed. The elders were thankful to be able to use their particular skill sets. 

A new mission president has come into the picture and he is ok with the missionaries doing service, plain clothes service projects. That has really helped re-engage those very capable, strong, hard working elders. I'm thankful as my great grandmother said "there's more than one way to skin a cat!"

 Anna continues as a sister training leader. She is learning and stretching. It's hard to be a leader and very insightful. Her example and goodness bless my life. I am very stressed with the looming harvest and the many activities and abilities of the kids at home. She ended her weekly email with a call to prayer to be more in touch with God. Having no other options I gave up and prayed in my kitchen as I made dinner. Not just in my head but a folded arms closed eyes kind of prayer. After a condensed pouring my heart out I felt peace. A few minutes later the looming question of the days prior- where are we taking the corn? When will we start? Was answered. I'm thankful for a loving God. I'm praying harvest will somehow be managed. I'm praying for energy to get through it and that we make enough to keep farming. 

Life is good. 

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