Sunday, September 4, 2022

9.4.22 Ants or grasshoppers

Its that time of year to work, work, work. Oh I'm so thankful for the lessons learned becoming self-sufficient. I'm thankful for the sense of accomplishment. The fights, the skills gained and the industry expended. I love these bean pickers of mine. I love that they have to do it! I'm so thankful for the enormous bean patch that allows for smiles, chatter, playing, and sampling. 

Millie often picks her four ice cream bucketful's first so she tends Andrea who doesn't like being bent over to pick beans. She loves her Millie. 
Merle picks and plays depending on how long we are there. He likes green beans is does pretty well for the first 20 minutes or so. 
My best crop this year. 
The joyous process of beans watching movies while we snap. Reed was all too happy to sit down to work. He spends a lot of his summer with cows and irrigation water. We are so thankful for his skills and responsibility. 

We also gathered some cull watermelons. These are too big to sell they are discounted and perfect size for our larger than normal family. This was too much for us though we shared with the FFA, and the football team, and the family reunion. They made nice chairs in the wait time. 
Andrea has been such a good baby along for the ride as we cover mile after mile raising her older siblings. 
These two are my latest best helpers. They were happily listening to an audio book while they chopped beans. 
I was given excess broccoli from the food pantry. We were thankful to bag over 10 gallon bags of broccoli which makes a nice change from green beans. 
Livy is m ore often found with her head in a book these days. Especially picture books. I'm thankful for her progress and determination to learn. 

Right after the fair the sweet corn started to come on. We went and picked one morning for the FFA then went and picked my dads patch for the ward party. WE picked over 100 dozen that day. 
It was the one day of July that had rain. We were soaked in the corn field from the wet plants and general moisture in the air. 
We were so muddy we tried to get the boots cleaner before we got back in our car. 
I'm so thankful for my can do crew! They make any job possible. 

Mark has been bringing in random ears this one showed the most promise of any he has found! Dent is happening, the ear is nearly full to the tip it had 17 rows which is good for our farm. 

As economic pressure grows and becomes more concerning I'm thankful for habits and patterns of storing up we can and being ready for another year. I'm thankful our prayers for a corn harvest are a reality. We were amazed by the timely rains, the tempered summer heat and the water lasting until now. We are thankful for the many miracles that sustain us day by day and year by year. We work hard but we are blessed to have what we need. "Health and strength and daily bread, we praise thy name oh lord!" Life is good. 

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