Thursday, September 29, 2022

9.29.22 Pirates and caterpillars

Millie has a long term sub this year because her teacher had a baby this summer. She has been blessed to have the veteran teacher Mrs. Robertson. The first unit she did was pirates, which ended with a dress-up day. This is pirate Millie and her classmates. 

When Millie brought her dress-up stuff home Bruce has been a pirate ever since. 

Another interesting activity at school is a vinyl cutter. The older kids have made bags for the younger grades. They were custom made and delighted the younger students. I love this cross age learning and serving. 
My handsome sons. 
Andrea is getting bolder in her crawling she climbed up the pillow and thought she was so big. 
Reed showing the bag he made. I was impressed!
I was so happy to receive this notice from Afton's teacher. She has worked hard and grown a lot from the last year. 
Bruce is working hard on his school work. He is moving along quite nicely. It's so good that he has desire to learn, that's about 90% of the battle. 
Part of his learning is just being a kid. He noticed the fuzzy crawling caterpillars and made a nest for them. Notice the toys to play with and the abundant water supply. 
His first catch was put in a jar with green food. He found they needed water so we poured water on the grass for them to drink up. The second attempt was above. Less food and more water and toys. 
Lia getting some mom time. She sure misses Aliza they are good buddies. 
Some of what we have been doing. Spaghetti sauce, peaches, and peach jam. 

 I'm thankful for space to be kids and to learn and explore. Life is good and we are abundantly blessed.  

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