Wednesday, September 28, 2022

9.28.22 Cross Country Adventure

These are in reverse order. We have a runner on our hands this is a totally new journey. I know nothing about running and am constantly asking questions. She is quite competitive medaling at every race. She is the top female racer on her team. This race was in Eagle, it was huge. She placed 13th. 

The team experience is good for this kiddo. I love that XC races are so positive lots of encouragement and good jobs are spoken. It is a nice change from years past football games where crowds were very raucous and vocal. 
At the homecoming assembly Addie was singled out for her successes. Her face says it all.
She is learning to manage all this. High school is a bit more challenging. Being an athlete and all the time it takes it a lot to deal with. There is little help from her these days. 
I was thankful to be able to attend a race in Middleton with her. This race was run at 8pm on a Wednesday. Odd timing but enjoyable none the less. It was a fast race and everyone PR'd I think. I love that the main competition is with yourself how much faster can you go?

Her friend MEgan is also a freshman and a strong contender.
In Baker at the famous Mud run. It took her days to get all the mud off.

Weiser golf course. She was passed on the uphill of this downhill shot. She did very well though still coming in at 8th.
Cousin whom see shes at meets. These two probably have a lot in common. Again the congratulating and celebrating each other is unique to running. 
Harley, HAzel, Emma, Addie, Sariah, Liz
Addie training buddy Wyatt. His mom takes great pictures and shares them.That's a major thing a few moms with nice cameras capturing every event. I'm thankful to be part of things I can't attend. 
Vale Race. Still very new to this sport. She placed 2nd at this event.

 Well this week she is working with her first injury a hurting groin muscle. No idea how she injured it, but guessing her give 100% at every practice is maybe telling on her. We still have farm work lots of it with harvest and she is one of the big strong kids at home. Life is good and we continue to adjust. 

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