Saturday, September 17, 2022

9.17.22 Football season

Football season is upon us. The boys are busy all the time with practice and games. This picture showed up in the local paper John is the guy practiving the tackle closest to the camera. 
After the first home game. There are no bleachers this year and I really like the quiet calm of watching the boys play. I don't miss heckling parents and rowdy crowds. Spacing people out on the grass and lawn chairs makes for a peaceful evening outdoors. 

John with his good friend AJ on the left and Sam on the right. After the fame the picture taking is intense. 
Leland and Mark. Lots of smiles after a win!
John and his fellow Juniors. These guys are coming into their own getting large and muscled as the picture shows. 

John plays both ways on the line. He is much more comfortable this year and is a really powerful player. 
We enjoyed watching Mark play. I took all of the kids they did well. Another bonus of no bleachers is I can see where they are at at all times. I like that. 

Walking to the car after watching Addie run and Mark play football is was a nice evening to be together even Greg joined us. 
That was a very busy day watching Addie run in Nyssa after picking peaches with Aliza in the morning then back to Vale for the football game then finally home to get homework done to prepare for another day of school. I'm thankful the farm is on pause right now as we let the corn mature and prepare ourselves for the intensity of harvest that's coming. I'm sure we  are going to be slower this year in harvest with so many key players from the farm team committed elsewhere. We will enjoy the brief pause hopefully ready to have success in accomplishing the many tasks ahead. I love my family. 

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