Friday, September 16, 2022

9.15.22 Bruce birthday

Life is full as ever it was. From missionary Mondays and working each week to send pictures of life at home and small updates on what we are doing, to canning season, keeping up with homework and school requirements. To three high school kids in three areas of sporting competitions. We also decided to potty train Merle, teach Bruce at home, and Andrea is demanding to eat real food in addition to nursing. Each day is full of nurturing kids and trying to get enough done that life can roll on smoothly. 
I love missionary Monday when I can talk with this sweet lady and get updated on what is happening on her life. She is the second companion to this new missionary so continuing to teach and model what missionary life looks like. She continues to serve as a Sister leader and is the first contact for other female companionships. 
We had a few weekends of cousins. Livy and Janice had a good time snapping some pictures. 
Livy, Janice, Emery, and Millie had a nice visit. 
My two babies. Merle loves his little sister. She loves to see him but gets sick of not being able to go where she wants to go. 
Bruce had a birthday. Aunt Brenda made a chocolate cake. Reed has stepped up in everyway in our family with the older kids being busier and less available he is the big man at our home right now. Dutifully he was lighting the challenging candles when blowing out the match he puffed out all the candles. 
John stepped up to help and show how to extinguish fire in his mouth. I don't love that trick. 

A captured last moment with Aliza. She was just about to fly the coop, to become an independent lady in Rexburg. 

 I am thankful for the many personalities and people in my home. Its messy, loud, hungry and dirty. ITs also loving, peaceful, and stable. We do the same activities year in and year out. We work on our daily habits. We love and care for each other. We add and subtract people. We miss those that are gone and we enjoy getting to know the new members. I'm thankful to be the mom of so many and to be overwhelmed and delighted with all that I'm given. Life is good. 

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