Wednesday, November 30, 2022

11.30.22 A quick game of Rummikub

We broke with our new this year tradition of just watching church-ish movies on Sunday- for example the RM, the best two years, once I was a beehive- and instead played a game. Anna had informed me when we spoke on Thursday that I was teaching false doctrines with those movies. I admit they are satire and young minds probably aren't differentiating between the real experiences of their siblings and the movies. Thus, this Sunday we turned the TV off and expanded our minds a bit. 
There are about 3 games I know and understand. Uno, speed scrabble, and rummikub. The girls had never played I explained to them and we played a round. I helped Afton and Lia helped me drawing tiles whenever I Wasn't paying attention. The girls picked up the strategy and I Was once again struck with how many skills can be learned playing simple games. 

 Another piece to this novel experience was the little ones being asleep. We played for about 45 minutes before they joined us. It's much harder with many more hands. And the lesson learned- turn off the TV and do something more stimulating. We are blessed and life is good. I'm so thankful to get to be a mom to all these kiddos. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

11.29.22 Thanskgiving activities

Addie was so excited to run in front of or with family on familiar territory. We loved watching her run by. She had a zippy four legged companion in Vadar my sisters dog. She finished with a time of 22:24. The rest of us were much farther behind. 
Reed was second John was thrid and Karadyn was fourth. 

Everyone enjoyed the morning getting our blood pumping and visiting. 
Back at home we wondered what to do as our plans of feasting with the corn family was skunked by our sickness. So we lounged then we got to work on a long waiting project of planting spring bulbs. 
The girls getting ready to go, Afton with another art project. 
We had empty feed totes, fresh dirt, and lots of bulbs possibly even a thousand bulbs to plant. The weather was temperate and beautiful at least 40-50 degrees. 
We put the new dirt in the shop so it wouldn't freeze. Bruce was in charge of filling buckets to put in the empty totes. The tote idea is that it will help slow weed overtake of the flowers.
Our trusty hauling wagon was peaked at the top with silt from a drain ditch and old manure. We moved a lot of dirt. 
The next day Livy and I went shopping for blankets we will tie and donate to charitable organizations. 
I came home to the boys dressed just like this working on leaves outside. Aliza was making more pie. We easily ate more than 20 pies in the course of the week. 

After feasting the kids watched a movie. 

And napped. At home Greg decided to butcher 6 chickens. After the killing, draining, and skinning we brought the enormous carcasses in the house and cut the meat off the bones.

 Then not wanting to waste an opportunity I made broth with three carcasses. My sister in law says we really know how to party.  She also taught the kids anatomy as Greg gutted the birds. It was fascinating the birds were massive. We will try cooking some tomorrow and see how it tastes. 

Andrea sure loves this brother. She lights up when he comes home and reaches for him. He plays with her and then she comes back. We are so thankful to have her to share love and joy in our family. Life is good we are thankful for health and abundance. We are blessed beyond our comprehension. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

11.28.22 Sick vacation and painting

The crying sleepy kids broke out in spots and blisters Tuesday of thanksgiving break. I had never seen anything like this, but had heard rumors hand, foot, and mouth disease was going around. Thankfully once the younger ones got spots they were a bit happier. 
Merle was very spotty. 
Lia had a few. She didn't drool or suck on her hands either though. The saliva was pretty dangerous stuff it appears from the amount of spots Merle had whereever his drool touched. 
Reed had a few spots mostly just an irregular clumping of them on his jawline. 
So with all this sickness we stayed home. When we would have normally gone to grandmas and visited there we stayed at our house. While the kids watched a movie I attempted to paint. The YouTube tutorials made it look so easy. While I'm happy with the result it was tricky to maneuver the brushes to get the correct shapes. 
Another night another project. 
Afton and Bruce painted Christmas trees, then Livy wanted to come up and try. She added and owl and Santa flying in his sleigh through the sky. 

Another evening these two painted snowmen. Afton is often found painting or sketching. Millie often with a book. 

In reverse order they also enjoy puzzles. I even helped and I don't love puzzling. 

All of this was possible because this lady was home to hold the little one. We discovered they have matching hair color. Andrea also really enjoyed snuggling Aliza. It was glorious to have two hands and be comfortable leaving Andrea in such capable hands. When she was preparing to come home I told her it felt like the cavalry was coming knowing she was returning. Truly she took so many of my responsibilities and of course did them better than I as she has the gift of focus. It was so nice to have her home. 

It was actually a blessing to slow down and do our own thing for a while. I loved the pause. And I'm so thankful that the kids experience with foot and mouth was mild. Addie ended up having it too. Afton and a cousin had the same spots in their mouths causing sore throats. It cleared up pretty quickly though and we are back to full speed here. Life is good. And we learned some new skills. I'm enjoying the painting I can complete a full project in an hour and like mastering something that is challenging. And I enjoy challenging my children. We are blessed. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

11.27.22 Weeks fly by

I spend a lot of time with the little ones holding and loving them. I don't mind it I'm sure I will miss it. But sometimes I ache to get up. 
For a while Livy and I were doing water. She was impressed with this frozen cornstalk. Jay came home and claims he likes the break so we let him do the water. We were taught how to crunch the numbers on the benefit of hosting cows. We knew it was a good deal but the numbers showed it was worth the time. Always good to look at why we do things and find it's still worth the work. 
Addie competed and won the beginning job interview in FFA. 
We had sick kids and sick cousins this break thus we didn't do the normal playing and hanging out. So we watched some movies at home. This was the younger kids first Gene Autry movie. 
Andrea enjoying everyone's favorite meal. Spaghetti! Only the best for my crew. 
Merle got to go with Mark to check the cows. He loves Mark who he calls "Mark-ee" Mark calls him Moo-Moo. 
Normal day between these two. 
John shaving Bruce's head again. They were all so pleased. 

My silly rambunctious sons. They are quite the crew. 
Our family thankful turkey. 
Ready to go somewhere together. Bruce needs the challenge of keeping up with the older brothers he has lots of energy.  
My sick kids enjoying books read aloud on youtube while I sorted laundry. 
The time is flying by each one is growing up and changing. Being inside so many hours sure is challenging. While we love the blankets, hot chocolate, time to watch movies, and paint we miss the spread out space of warmer seasons. Oh well enjoy where we are at. We are blessed

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

11.23.22 Football Wrap-Up

Well the first second weekend of November was another trip across the state with a athletic competition. The boys jumped on the bus after school and headed to the Salem area. This was an exciting trip I mean look at all that energy. They were gone for 3 days. 

John played well the game was super close a heart breaking nail biter that came down to the last 30 seconds when the team failed to make the two point score to tie the game for another 3 minutes of play. The final score 12-14 other team winning. This was a fast strong team. Thankfully most of the Vale team will be returning next year. 
This picture of John and the quarterback just illustrates Johns deep love of playing football. He loves the working together, he loves exercise, he loves being strong, and he really enjoys the being with his friends. 
While we were proud of the boys football accomplishment we also have to keep life going at home. So we worked while they were away. Livy and I doing water. 
We got our thankful turkeys made where we write what we are thankful for on the feathers that adorn the turkeys made from the kids handprints. 
We also made some applesauce from the apples we picked weeks before that had been littering my kitchen. I'm thankful the kids are learning skills of self-reliance. We listen to songs from musicals and sing along. I have memories of canning to the oldies with my mom. It was good to be home. 

We also made turkeys on cardboard which we used later to write our family thankful list. We have colored, painted, and glued turkeys in a myriad of ways in addition to counting our blessings, orally and in written form this month. 

I was so pleased they remembered the process and managed it mostly on their own. 
Andrea happily crawling around exploring and tasting whatever she finds. She likes to stand and climb on things. 
And then we got sick with whatever we found. The kids have had fevers and a myriad of symptoms that ebb and flow. 

 So football came to a close after a successful season rebuilt after some very discouraging losses. The boys have another year to enjoy that unique specific to high school adventure. At home we pressed on with another generation and look back fondly on days when we were all healthy. This too shall pass eventually. We are still blessed even in the season of tylenol fevers and yuckiness.