Tuesday, November 29, 2022

11.29.22 Thanskgiving activities

Addie was so excited to run in front of or with family on familiar territory. We loved watching her run by. She had a zippy four legged companion in Vadar my sisters dog. She finished with a time of 22:24. The rest of us were much farther behind. 
Reed was second John was thrid and Karadyn was fourth. 

Everyone enjoyed the morning getting our blood pumping and visiting. 
Back at home we wondered what to do as our plans of feasting with the corn family was skunked by our sickness. So we lounged then we got to work on a long waiting project of planting spring bulbs. 
The girls getting ready to go, Afton with another art project. 
We had empty feed totes, fresh dirt, and lots of bulbs possibly even a thousand bulbs to plant. The weather was temperate and beautiful at least 40-50 degrees. 
We put the new dirt in the shop so it wouldn't freeze. Bruce was in charge of filling buckets to put in the empty totes. The tote idea is that it will help slow weed overtake of the flowers.
Our trusty hauling wagon was peaked at the top with silt from a drain ditch and old manure. We moved a lot of dirt. 
The next day Livy and I went shopping for blankets we will tie and donate to charitable organizations. 
I came home to the boys dressed just like this working on leaves outside. Aliza was making more pie. We easily ate more than 20 pies in the course of the week. 

After feasting the kids watched a movie. 

And napped. At home Greg decided to butcher 6 chickens. After the killing, draining, and skinning we brought the enormous carcasses in the house and cut the meat off the bones.

 Then not wanting to waste an opportunity I made broth with three carcasses. My sister in law says we really know how to party.  She also taught the kids anatomy as Greg gutted the birds. It was fascinating the birds were massive. We will try cooking some tomorrow and see how it tastes. 

Andrea sure loves this brother. She lights up when he comes home and reaches for him. He plays with her and then she comes back. We are so thankful to have her to share love and joy in our family. Life is good we are thankful for health and abundance. We are blessed beyond our comprehension. 

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