Wednesday, November 23, 2022

11.23.22 Football Wrap-Up

Well the first second weekend of November was another trip across the state with a athletic competition. The boys jumped on the bus after school and headed to the Salem area. This was an exciting trip I mean look at all that energy. They were gone for 3 days. 

John played well the game was super close a heart breaking nail biter that came down to the last 30 seconds when the team failed to make the two point score to tie the game for another 3 minutes of play. The final score 12-14 other team winning. This was a fast strong team. Thankfully most of the Vale team will be returning next year. 
This picture of John and the quarterback just illustrates Johns deep love of playing football. He loves the working together, he loves exercise, he loves being strong, and he really enjoys the being with his friends. 
While we were proud of the boys football accomplishment we also have to keep life going at home. So we worked while they were away. Livy and I doing water. 
We got our thankful turkeys made where we write what we are thankful for on the feathers that adorn the turkeys made from the kids handprints. 
We also made some applesauce from the apples we picked weeks before that had been littering my kitchen. I'm thankful the kids are learning skills of self-reliance. We listen to songs from musicals and sing along. I have memories of canning to the oldies with my mom. It was good to be home. 

We also made turkeys on cardboard which we used later to write our family thankful list. We have colored, painted, and glued turkeys in a myriad of ways in addition to counting our blessings, orally and in written form this month. 

I was so pleased they remembered the process and managed it mostly on their own. 
Andrea happily crawling around exploring and tasting whatever she finds. She likes to stand and climb on things. 
And then we got sick with whatever we found. The kids have had fevers and a myriad of symptoms that ebb and flow. 

 So football came to a close after a successful season rebuilt after some very discouraging losses. The boys have another year to enjoy that unique specific to high school adventure. At home we pressed on with another generation and look back fondly on days when we were all healthy. This too shall pass eventually. We are still blessed even in the season of tylenol fevers and yuckiness.

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