Monday, November 14, 2022

11.7.22 State XC

Another weekend another trip. We were so excited to see Addie achieve her goal of going to state. Her teammate Trevor also qualified. Her awesome coaches that loved and worked to learn her skills and struggles. We are thankful for their care and confidence.
The qualifiers each picked a travel buddy. Addie chose Megan and Trevor took Sam. His brother Zach. is an up and coming 

There are some really great moms who make events special and are very talented at making things fancy.

We followed later in the day and found Western Oregon to be very wet! Thankfully for travel and competition purposes it was just rain. Our first look at the course. We thought it was interesting there were no bleaches just a muddy hillside. 
Addie pre-race was pretty nervous. Her coach had explained that the team while not competing at her level made the competition more fun. She definitely missed the distraction and encouragement of teammates when competing solo that weekend. 
There were hundreds or runners and maybe even teams thankfully the red baby pack sticks out and we were able to find them. 
The starting line. 

Watchign from above with our baby in tow too. the course had a hillside to watch from we could see about half the race when on top. 

The stadiums are a dread for Addie she doesn't like being watched and its very clear when you are being over taken. Somehow on the grass or nature courses it's a different kind of fight. 
After the race Addie was slightly disappointed but glad to be done for the day. We were tahnfkul the downpour waited until the race was over and for a nice place to stand while the skies opened up. 
Her teammate Trevor ran a solo race in the 4th place. 

And directly after they finished we loaded up and headed for home. We were thankful to see the views this time when we came in it was pitch black and so we just guessed what was outside. It is pretty but again the constant wetness and lack of wide open views would be hard to live with. 

We found some snow at the top. 

 our little traveler just wants space to move about. She's learned to not be picky about where we put her down and she endures hand washing when done she just wants out of her carseat confinement. 

Sometimes we had to bribe her with  a reward for staying buckled up. She really likes suckers and I was thankful to find one in the car to hold her over during a tricky patch of road. We enjoy supporting our kids we also love being together. This was a new experience and we are super proud of how it turned out for Addie. Life is good we will follow along as she develops into her best self. We are blessed. 

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