Monday, November 21, 2022

11.20.22 Mssionary Monday

Mondays I'm on my phone all day. Texting, emailing, and talking with my missionaries and then their dad. I'm finding its a full time side deal to be available for my kids who are gone. I love pictures that show they are doing ok. I love hearing their voice and finding them again through time spent listening and counseling together. I strive to keep them in the loop of the younger family at home and listen to them still fight over silly things. Yes personality is an eternal principal and some really delight in "yanking the chain" of their siblings, while said siblings oblige whole heartedly in offering their chain to be yanked. 
I don't know why we were laughing but we were probably over the said chain pulling. But it was so good to be connected for a little while with these two who are growing and stretching so much.

Harold still calls Andrea the stranger I work to send pictures of her and MErle growing up so they are aware of them. Life is so different for the youngest versus when these two were young.
A happy picture of her and a sweet missionary companion. I'm thankful for the kind ones. 
And a snapshot of my days at home these two love to be snuggled. I've been gone a bit and they have been sick and so when I'm here they demand time connected to me. That's part of my job and I'm thankful to be their mom and to have their trust and energy in my life. 
She's getting so big to stand up now and be very active. She also is gaining eating desire. She enjoyed the hasbrowns and ketchup.
My water buddy. 
Andrea really enjoys looking outside. She was wedged in enough to be successful watching the action out the window.

Our creative little Lia with the crown John made for Halloween. She's a cutey and getting big and independent. How thankful we are for healthy kids who love and challenge us. Life is good family is a blessing. 

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