Monday, November 28, 2022

11.28.22 Sick vacation and painting

The crying sleepy kids broke out in spots and blisters Tuesday of thanksgiving break. I had never seen anything like this, but had heard rumors hand, foot, and mouth disease was going around. Thankfully once the younger ones got spots they were a bit happier. 
Merle was very spotty. 
Lia had a few. She didn't drool or suck on her hands either though. The saliva was pretty dangerous stuff it appears from the amount of spots Merle had whereever his drool touched. 
Reed had a few spots mostly just an irregular clumping of them on his jawline. 
So with all this sickness we stayed home. When we would have normally gone to grandmas and visited there we stayed at our house. While the kids watched a movie I attempted to paint. The YouTube tutorials made it look so easy. While I'm happy with the result it was tricky to maneuver the brushes to get the correct shapes. 
Another night another project. 
Afton and Bruce painted Christmas trees, then Livy wanted to come up and try. She added and owl and Santa flying in his sleigh through the sky. 

Another evening these two painted snowmen. Afton is often found painting or sketching. Millie often with a book. 

In reverse order they also enjoy puzzles. I even helped and I don't love puzzling. 

All of this was possible because this lady was home to hold the little one. We discovered they have matching hair color. Andrea also really enjoyed snuggling Aliza. It was glorious to have two hands and be comfortable leaving Andrea in such capable hands. When she was preparing to come home I told her it felt like the cavalry was coming knowing she was returning. Truly she took so many of my responsibilities and of course did them better than I as she has the gift of focus. It was so nice to have her home. 

It was actually a blessing to slow down and do our own thing for a while. I loved the pause. And I'm so thankful that the kids experience with foot and mouth was mild. Addie ended up having it too. Afton and a cousin had the same spots in their mouths causing sore throats. It cleared up pretty quickly though and we are back to full speed here. Life is good. And we learned some new skills. I'm enjoying the painting I can complete a full project in an hour and like mastering something that is challenging. And I enjoy challenging my children. We are blessed. 

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