Monday, November 14, 2022

11.16.22 State Football Round 1- Life at home

Meanwhile back at home the guys played a football game. I'm so thankful or the many photographer moms who document the experience and share their talents with me. Not gonna lie going so many directions with each kid wears this mom out. I was ready for some rest but happy the boys were able to play some more games. For John especially this is his favorite to be with the guys working hard.
Of course the little brothers want to try the gear. Someday buddy someday that will fit. 
John is so strong he is fun to watch adn I love how these photos just freeze time and action. I usually miss whats going on, I love watchign the film of the games because we can replay again and again so I can see all the action. We also love the coaches notes. 
Mark played a lot in this game as they tried a different defensive strategy. 

John on offense. 
Since they won these two got their hair cut in mohawks. Ugh that was hard to do I don't think it adds to their handsomeness. They are strong guys. 

I think they like the haircuts more because I like them less. I'm good like that to them. I did however do the shaves after church. 
Harold showing his new haircut thanks to the bishopbric member in his current area. I'm glad John and Mark have space to grow without Harold and he is getting to grow independently too. I'm also looking forward to them being together again. I hope they will find a medium ground where they can respect each other and be friendly. 

Amidst all the sports hoopla was a birthday party for a dear friend. The kids got to spend sometime with their cousins. We sure enjoy them. Michael and Mark love to talk farming and sports. They are on rival teams but we enjoy this gentle cousin. 

Millie and Natalie are bookworms. We had fun discussing what good books we should read next. These kids are blessed to see their cousins periodically. 
My chore buddies. The changing weather makes it less inviting to go do water but it was nice to be with them for a while before we went to the party. 

Bruce and I continue to work on his education. He's doing well and making progress. 
It's really a challenge to manage all the running around and the needs of the little kids. Finally Addie was available and helped Bruce carve a pumpkin. We had them for weeks but never had time to get them carved. 

He said he just wanted to scoop guts. Thankfully he got his wish. 
And then they got sick. 5 of the younger kids had fevers and just wanted to sleep all weekend long. 
This is Addie running at home with Bruce Lia and Merle following and lighting her way with the fourwheeler. I told her she couldn't run alone the kids are more than happy to follow her. I'm not sure this is the best solution but it's what we have come up with right now. Managing all the needs and wants in a big group is dauting to say the least. 

 The huge smiles from the junior fourwheeler operators are so genuine. Afton helped Reed a few days before and her joy was overflowing. So we grow and work together we endure the constant early darkness. Life is good and while the same new elements are added in and we continue figuring out how to move forward. We are blessed. 

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