Monday, November 7, 2022

11.6.22 Halloween

Oh how I dread Halloween, coming back from Indy right on top of the big day did not help that. However thankfully the costume box had enough offerings that we got some costumes together in no time and all were presentable. 

Two ballerinas, a bumble bee, an FFa member, and a 50's girl. 
Oh and a football player so excited to wear pads. 
The tirck or treating did not disappoint. The family is super generous and the walk is good for the kids. 

I do love this gathering. Everyone can be seen it's contained and safe it's very pleasant. 

My niece was a princess from a book series. My kids have read the book and were impressed. I love that we are largely a family of book worms. 
And the haul. Oh my goodness the kids got a lot of candy. We are dolling it out a few pieces a day but we should be good until Easter! 

 That's the first hting my kids say about Halloween and easter. My parents take my candy. But these bags are after they ate from the time they got it until we got home which is a solid 4 hours, they got a lot and would be so so sick. So we stash it in the safe and mete it out a bit at a time it gets me cleaned rooms, homework done, potty training rewards. So nice. We are blessed and it was a great time visiting with family and enjoying a tradition that we look forward to all month of October. Life is good. 

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