Tuesday, January 30, 2024

1.30.24 Afton Birthday Cake

We had our first birthday of the year recently. Thankfully some generous friends shared their overstock of eggs with us. Thus even though new laws have almost doubled the price of eggs it was no big deal to make several sponge cakes this weekend. 
I love this recipe mostly because it almost always works out. The few times it didn't the kids still eat up the failed attempt. Afton prepped for blowing out her candles. 
Lia really likes to help right now. She was willing to stir the lemon curd. 
Millie helped separate the eggs. She then did the step of aerating the yolks. A sponge cake uses both parts of the eggs but whips in the air independently of the other. This light yet filling cake is a delicious throwback to years gone by. 
Andrea loves to watch. It's easier when she stays on the other side of the wall as the multi-step process requires a little more concentration than usual. Not to mention the myriad of other things going on I appreciate when she just hangs on the wall and observes. 
A variation is a chocolate sponge with mousse filling. This is rich and decadent. The mousse is divine. 
The finished lemon sunshine. Maybe we should call the chocolate a midnight mousse cake. 

 We are thankful for the sweet children that grace our home. This is a hard time of year forcing myself to wade through my thinking and actions of the past year trying to make it make sense in the computer. I appreciate the kids' patience and care for each other. 

Afton and I took a quick grocery run to restock for the week. I know the necessity of connecting with each child, the younger ones often get pushed aside for the bigger events and needs of the older kids. Thus I'm working to pay attention and give attention to the younger kids this year. We ended our shopping trip with a restaurant sit down for hot french fries. Of course, she walked through the door at home sharing her opportunity with the others. Small moments wrestled from the daily hustle and bustle are important and I need to work harder to spend the time with these quickly growing up kiddos. Life is good. 

Friday, January 26, 2024

1.27.24 Chapter ffa speaking

After a month of reading and writing the chapter speech competition finally arrived. New this year with a captive audience of freshman and their parents the speaking contest was first. Mark started the evening off with his speech about the power of cover crops to help control chemicals in the air. Mark did well and managed his questions adequately. He had some challenging questions from the scientist judge. 
John again competed in extemporaneous speaking. Thanks to Addie for creating his research binder. He did ok and has a ticket to the district competition. He spoke about genetic modified corn and the benefits to agriculture. 
Addie spoke last and nailed her questions. Aliza had coached her before leaving that she needed to learn enough that she would be the expert in the room and therefore no question would be too hard to answer confidently. She took that counsel to heart and with all the time off from fencing due to her wisdom teeth removal learned a lot about nuclear energy. 
Following the speaking, the officer team finally got to the evening's main draw, the greenhand ceremony. 
Everyone read their part and the green hand painting began. 
After the students had their hands painted, they added their hands to the poster to hang in the Ag room. A novel induction rite that the kids enjoyed. Besides a few cheeks, no clothes were marked green during the activity. 
Another year another round of learning. I really enjoy these deep dives into a certain topic. Likewise, I enjoy seeing the kids grow and gain thinking skills. 

1.26.24 Ag fair

The much anticipated Ag fair happened this week. We took the kids from school after their yummy lunch of chili. We drove through the fog full of anticipation for the candy and giveaways. When we got to the show Bruce said his stomach hurt really bad and got out of the car quickly to puke a little by the tire of our parked car. The rest of the family was not slowed down and headed eagerly to the show. I stayed with Bruce he decided he wanted to go in. We stopped at the bathroom for a wash and drink.  We walked a few isles and he asked to sit down. 
We were joined by the crew who were happily snacking and sharing what they had gained in their trip through the fair. This is where I get my pens for the year. I do thank all those vendors for the pens. 
Popcorn, sunglasses, cups, even a pop, and some playing cards. 

Addie taught the kids how to play 21. Bruce asked to go to the bathroom again. I sent John with him. After they didn't come back in a normal amount of time I called John's phone to find out that Bruce had got to the door and lost all that chili lunch at the door. John took care of the door and the brother. 
Greg and Mark visited and visited learning and questioning specific vendors of interest. Usually, this is an hours-long process, but thanks to Bruce's upset tummy we were in and out of the event in about an hour. 
Thankfully he managed to get home before puking again. He's finally moving around some today. He's been pretty sick. I took him to the doctor for a strep test. It was negative. So he just has to heal. Anna had something like this years ago. 

Oddly enough before he got sick, and totally unrelated, Bruce requested meatballs?! For context, Bruce loathes chunks of meat. This was an odd request. But hey I'm up for new recipes. So I made the meatballs and noodles for a fancy spaghetti. Bruce up enjoyed the dinner. Afton, Lia, Merle, Andrea were not so impressed. 

More from Addies' phone. Sunglasses are always in style. These are safety glasses that do double duty as sunglasses as well. 

First 4-h activity of the year blanket tying to donate to charity. The kids are experts at this. I often wonder where all the tied blankets go in this community. 
Another week down, experiences had, and time passed as we anxiously waited for spring and warmer temperatures. It has rained and rained all week melting the snow slowly making for deep sticky mud. The cow men at our house are working hard to avoid or deal with those consequences and building fences into the long dark nights. Nonetheless, this is tough cow weather.
Yet, may be good for natural consequence lessons, but very challenging to be the mom who really wants them in the house safe and warm. But I  know the reality is that natural lessons are a great gift to me and it would be terrible to remove the consequence of their choices. Parenting teenagers is very hard to hold your rules and let lessons happen. Having kids close together was challenging when they were small, but nothing like the mental toughness required now to learn with them, and push and pull and wait for them to do what they must as young adults. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

1.25.24 Sick days

January is always a long month, this one has been compounded with extreme weather, prolonged stay of cows, and sickness. Last week it was ear infections for Afton and Merle. This week it's Bruce home with a sour stomach. One perk of having older siblings is learning to sit and learn. Andrea is really becoming quite the copycat. I love her toddler smiles and perfect legs. I'm so thankful she is healthy and smart. 
She loves to wear dresses and do what the big kids do. 
One morning Lia decided she would make a vision board like her older sisters. She cut the cardboard and the pictures and glued them all by herself. This is what looks fun to her horses lots of horses. I showed Anna and Aliza this picture Anna was so proud. I told her it was a bad disease Anna replied that it was a great lifestyle. 
Bruce hasn't been sleeping well because his stomach hurts so much. I was looking for him and found this. Merle is his comfort and companion. This was Merle helping to get Bruce better. Silly boys. 
Trying some toast. This round stayed down just fine. Nighttime seems to be the worst. I wonder why nighttime is always such a challenge for whatever ails a person? 

I added this silly picture only because it relates to a class Anna is taking. It's biostatistics, which sounds horrible, but the gist of the class is finding the odds or the possibility of things happening. The first day the teacher explained that there is never a zero chance of things happening and that there is always a maybe. This really struck her, along with other explanations and tying the lessons to the gospel this class is really touching Anna's soul and expanding her thinking about life and the world. 

I'm thankful for the many days we are completely healthy. It was nice to have the scheduled week off of school last week to try to recuperate. Bruce has been pretty sick. Stomachs are a definite weakness on my side of the family. I've been grateful my kids have less propensity for puking than I do, but when they get sick that's a problem spot for a few of them. 

Being home waiting for them to get well during the day and trying to manage the nighttime routines and responsibilities is a constant battle.

 Millie got her expander glued in her mouth today. I don't think we will do that again. I've been nervous about the choice for a while. I sent her with Greg thinking he would stay with her. I got a call about half an hour into her appointment that she was having a panic attack and wouldn't let them put the appliance in her mouth. I was not close to being ready to leave but hurried faster and got there as they had just finished the top. Greg had gone to get her when I scolded him for leaving her alone. 

 He told her she was just going to buckle down and do it. I came in to find her rapid breathing and being brave in the chair. We took some time to deep breathe and think. She got through the bottom application and pulled herself together. After it was over I told her how important it is to learn to control your thoughts and pull yourself back into control because there are many many hard things in life. I'm not sure if it was right to make her get through the applications but I know it's important to learn how to control your fears. 
I've been learning that for the last 10 years or so probably longer. Praying, naming what I'm thankful for, searching for good things despite what is happening that I don't like, and good music are all ways to pull me back to safe and calm. I'm aware that dads have an important role in making you do hard things and helping you see you are stronger and more capable than you think or believe you may be. That is not a bad lesson but sure hard to watch happen. Hence the need for mom and dad. We are blessed all around we just need to look. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

1.23.23 Legion and Mark FFA

With all the snow days we have worked hard to stay mentally active. One such learning opportunity is the speaking season. We listen, read, discuss, and interview others working to understand and become reliably informed on various topics. American Legion was the first event. Addie did well. I had been listening to Hillsdale College constitution courses to gain insight and ideas. Together her writing and taking suggestions and me chipping away until the concrete ideas came forth. She set to work memorizing and getting the words in her head as she also worked to improve her voice control and strength. Unchallenged she won the local contest. 
It's always a good night with the veterans. They are a supportive encouraging group, it is good to meet with them yearly. 
Another major project was Mark's state degree. He needed pictures to illustrate what he had learned and contributed. These were fresh on my phone so in case I missed them earlier I'm including them now. 
The beginning of the officer retreat. 
Below the Christmas gift exchange. 
Fall leadership tour with the state officers. 
Fair awards.

Officer leadership camp. 
Maybe parli pro competition last year.

 I'm thankful the kids are willing to try new events and get to learn social skills. I love learning with my kids it makes my mind happy. For Mark's speech, I have been reading and mostly listening to regenerative agriculture podcasts to get some ideas to help him put into words what he has been studying for the past 18 months. During these long long days of sitting and doing books, it makes me curious how we could do some of those things here. And it makes me understand some of why we do what we do. Life is good and we are sincerely blessed.

Last week we had a true miracle with some surprise payments from customers and solved a years-long dead-end mechanical problem. I know that paying tithing and temple attendance bless us to be able to continue caring for and providing for our family. I'm so relieved to have some breathing room and to be able to not worry so much about how that's going to happen for a while. God is aware of our daily needs. 

Friday, January 19, 2024

1.19.24 Snow

Mark ran out of fuel at a neighbor's house. Greg had gone to town to shovel with the rest of the big kids. I headed to the farm in the minivan got the diesel and was on my way back out. But got high-centered and stuck in the snow. I was so thankful I had been lifting weights because the 5 gallons of diesel through 6-9 inches of snow was hard to manage. But I did it!
After all the snow moving we had sacrament at Greg's parent's house. The peace and reverence of having the ordinance with just our family was a nice reminder of the COVID days and how we were able to really focus on just that time. We sang some songs, Bruce led with Sue's help, the boys blessed and passed the sacrament, and Lloyd talked to us a few minutes. IT was peaceful and nice. 
Addie gained a too-challenging puzzle from Grandma it would be finished but Andrea loves to crumble it apart. This is Addie's brain resting. She has been working hard writing speeches and processing social stuff at school. 
Addie had admonished me to work on restocking our food supply. She did an inventory and then price-checked what was available and made me a shopping list. Two trips and lots of money later and we are comfortably stocked up on staples. That's a nice feeling when you become home-bound for a week. 
It was super cold for a few days thus hats, and hot chocolate were a must. 
Thankfully we found the stock of Carhart. These have been well-loved and used by the older kids. The timing was great because the kids needed to shovel snow the next day and another day shortly thereafter. Not to mention all the in and out the door to play in the snow. 
Another walk on a very cold day. They had a good time slipping around on the ice. 
More angels.
Working to clear the steps as the snow dumped down. 
Watching from the inside. She is so fun and too little to go outside right now. 

Anna took HArold to the Elk preserve. He got a small taste of her horse experience from the summer. They were right out in the elk herd of over 100 animals. It was amazing. 

 So snow offers new opportunities to stretch, grow, and relax. We are thankful for the blessing of moisture and the time to slow down a little and work hard for a while. Life is good. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

1.17.24 Brothers and snow

The days these two get to spend together are definitely special and spicey. They have lots and lots of energy and desire to do things. This light dusting of snow was an exciting start to the weekend. Here they are taking out the burnable garbage. 
In the evening right before bed, we try to have the house clean. I was struck by how these two were dressed the same. Reed is getting very strong. He is quite the young man. 
Of course, being boys they had to show their muscles. 
Addie is good at taking the kids out on walks, they tried making snow angels. The snow was just right for a great marking. 

Another snow day in the books we didn't have church this week, then the holiday, then one day of school. Pipes broke and made a mess in the new middle school. The weather was possibly miserable for the next few days so school was cancelled on Wednesday and Thursday. Then no school on Friday until Monday. The kids shovel snow on the days the snow is fresh. The boys go out and work on fences. The snow is so deep that the four-wheelers can't get to the bottom of it and eventually broke the rear axle. For good or bad the snow is starting to melt. We may get rain tonight, and the work to handle the weather continues. Thankfully the kids are available to work and we are all safe. Life is good.