Tuesday, January 30, 2024

1.30.24 Afton Birthday Cake

We had our first birthday of the year recently. Thankfully some generous friends shared their overstock of eggs with us. Thus even though new laws have almost doubled the price of eggs it was no big deal to make several sponge cakes this weekend. 
I love this recipe mostly because it almost always works out. The few times it didn't the kids still eat up the failed attempt. Afton prepped for blowing out her candles. 
Lia really likes to help right now. She was willing to stir the lemon curd. 
Millie helped separate the eggs. She then did the step of aerating the yolks. A sponge cake uses both parts of the eggs but whips in the air independently of the other. This light yet filling cake is a delicious throwback to years gone by. 
Andrea loves to watch. It's easier when she stays on the other side of the wall as the multi-step process requires a little more concentration than usual. Not to mention the myriad of other things going on I appreciate when she just hangs on the wall and observes. 
A variation is a chocolate sponge with mousse filling. This is rich and decadent. The mousse is divine. 
The finished lemon sunshine. Maybe we should call the chocolate a midnight mousse cake. 

 We are thankful for the sweet children that grace our home. This is a hard time of year forcing myself to wade through my thinking and actions of the past year trying to make it make sense in the computer. I appreciate the kids' patience and care for each other. 

Afton and I took a quick grocery run to restock for the week. I know the necessity of connecting with each child, the younger ones often get pushed aside for the bigger events and needs of the older kids. Thus I'm working to pay attention and give attention to the younger kids this year. We ended our shopping trip with a restaurant sit down for hot french fries. Of course, she walked through the door at home sharing her opportunity with the others. Small moments wrestled from the daily hustle and bustle are important and I need to work harder to spend the time with these quickly growing up kiddos. Life is good. 

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