Tuesday, January 9, 2024

1.9.24 Livy temple More winter

With so many coming and going its hard to get everyone their time spot with mom and dad. I was delighted when we found an open temple spot with all these kiddos well and a dad driving us to boot. We had a great peaceful experience in the Boise temple. Mark taught Livy how to be baptized. I absolutely love how welcoming the temple is for youth and families these days. 
Back at home same day Andrea was all about needed some mom time. She loves my carmex and was stealing that from me and teasing me with it. 

Yes, this is how book work goes a lot of the time. Or they are super quiet for a while and I find paint or some other no-no somewhere else. 
Lunch was pizza. They of course were thrilled to help. 
Anna shared cute pictures that I wanted saved from her time at home for Christmas. 
She watered for me and took this cute helper along. 
Bruce apparantly helped mop the church gym floor after the ward party. 
The nativity. 

He's just as charming as these pictures and just as ready to go do whatever is happening. He and Bruce wrestle so much inside right now. Ugh. We miss outside a lot. 
My beautiful oldest who patiently endures the chaos at home. 
Livy loved visiting with Anna and spending time with her older sisters who continually encourage her growing and maturing. 
Bruce lost a tooth. He is so cute. This was when Anna took the 4 youngest to the doctor for strep test. Bruce had strep the others did not. His tooth had been very loose but he wanted to lose it at school so he could get a tooth box from his teacher. Oh well Anna took good care of them Doctor is no small feat with 4 kids. 
The last snowfall. Silly kids and beautiful skies. Oh how we love Christmas boots. 
Time to be kids and be silly. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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