Friday, January 19, 2024

1.19.24 Snow

Mark ran out of fuel at a neighbor's house. Greg had gone to town to shovel with the rest of the big kids. I headed to the farm in the minivan got the diesel and was on my way back out. But got high-centered and stuck in the snow. I was so thankful I had been lifting weights because the 5 gallons of diesel through 6-9 inches of snow was hard to manage. But I did it!
After all the snow moving we had sacrament at Greg's parent's house. The peace and reverence of having the ordinance with just our family was a nice reminder of the COVID days and how we were able to really focus on just that time. We sang some songs, Bruce led with Sue's help, the boys blessed and passed the sacrament, and Lloyd talked to us a few minutes. IT was peaceful and nice. 
Addie gained a too-challenging puzzle from Grandma it would be finished but Andrea loves to crumble it apart. This is Addie's brain resting. She has been working hard writing speeches and processing social stuff at school. 
Addie had admonished me to work on restocking our food supply. She did an inventory and then price-checked what was available and made me a shopping list. Two trips and lots of money later and we are comfortably stocked up on staples. That's a nice feeling when you become home-bound for a week. 
It was super cold for a few days thus hats, and hot chocolate were a must. 
Thankfully we found the stock of Carhart. These have been well-loved and used by the older kids. The timing was great because the kids needed to shovel snow the next day and another day shortly thereafter. Not to mention all the in and out the door to play in the snow. 
Another walk on a very cold day. They had a good time slipping around on the ice. 
More angels.
Working to clear the steps as the snow dumped down. 
Watching from the inside. She is so fun and too little to go outside right now. 

Anna took HArold to the Elk preserve. He got a small taste of her horse experience from the summer. They were right out in the elk herd of over 100 animals. It was amazing. 

 So snow offers new opportunities to stretch, grow, and relax. We are thankful for the blessing of moisture and the time to slow down a little and work hard for a while. Life is good. 

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