Thursday, January 25, 2024

1.25.24 Sick days

January is always a long month, this one has been compounded with extreme weather, prolonged stay of cows, and sickness. Last week it was ear infections for Afton and Merle. This week it's Bruce home with a sour stomach. One perk of having older siblings is learning to sit and learn. Andrea is really becoming quite the copycat. I love her toddler smiles and perfect legs. I'm so thankful she is healthy and smart. 
She loves to wear dresses and do what the big kids do. 
One morning Lia decided she would make a vision board like her older sisters. She cut the cardboard and the pictures and glued them all by herself. This is what looks fun to her horses lots of horses. I showed Anna and Aliza this picture Anna was so proud. I told her it was a bad disease Anna replied that it was a great lifestyle. 
Bruce hasn't been sleeping well because his stomach hurts so much. I was looking for him and found this. Merle is his comfort and companion. This was Merle helping to get Bruce better. Silly boys. 
Trying some toast. This round stayed down just fine. Nighttime seems to be the worst. I wonder why nighttime is always such a challenge for whatever ails a person? 

I added this silly picture only because it relates to a class Anna is taking. It's biostatistics, which sounds horrible, but the gist of the class is finding the odds or the possibility of things happening. The first day the teacher explained that there is never a zero chance of things happening and that there is always a maybe. This really struck her, along with other explanations and tying the lessons to the gospel this class is really touching Anna's soul and expanding her thinking about life and the world. 

I'm thankful for the many days we are completely healthy. It was nice to have the scheduled week off of school last week to try to recuperate. Bruce has been pretty sick. Stomachs are a definite weakness on my side of the family. I've been grateful my kids have less propensity for puking than I do, but when they get sick that's a problem spot for a few of them. 

Being home waiting for them to get well during the day and trying to manage the nighttime routines and responsibilities is a constant battle.

 Millie got her expander glued in her mouth today. I don't think we will do that again. I've been nervous about the choice for a while. I sent her with Greg thinking he would stay with her. I got a call about half an hour into her appointment that she was having a panic attack and wouldn't let them put the appliance in her mouth. I was not close to being ready to leave but hurried faster and got there as they had just finished the top. Greg had gone to get her when I scolded him for leaving her alone. 

 He told her she was just going to buckle down and do it. I came in to find her rapid breathing and being brave in the chair. We took some time to deep breathe and think. She got through the bottom application and pulled herself together. After it was over I told her how important it is to learn to control your thoughts and pull yourself back into control because there are many many hard things in life. I'm not sure if it was right to make her get through the applications but I know it's important to learn how to control your fears. 
I've been learning that for the last 10 years or so probably longer. Praying, naming what I'm thankful for, searching for good things despite what is happening that I don't like, and good music are all ways to pull me back to safe and calm. I'm aware that dads have an important role in making you do hard things and helping you see you are stronger and more capable than you think or believe you may be. That is not a bad lesson but sure hard to watch happen. Hence the need for mom and dad. We are blessed all around we just need to look. 

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