Friday, January 26, 2024

1.26.24 Ag fair

The much anticipated Ag fair happened this week. We took the kids from school after their yummy lunch of chili. We drove through the fog full of anticipation for the candy and giveaways. When we got to the show Bruce said his stomach hurt really bad and got out of the car quickly to puke a little by the tire of our parked car. The rest of the family was not slowed down and headed eagerly to the show. I stayed with Bruce he decided he wanted to go in. We stopped at the bathroom for a wash and drink.  We walked a few isles and he asked to sit down. 
We were joined by the crew who were happily snacking and sharing what they had gained in their trip through the fair. This is where I get my pens for the year. I do thank all those vendors for the pens. 
Popcorn, sunglasses, cups, even a pop, and some playing cards. 

Addie taught the kids how to play 21. Bruce asked to go to the bathroom again. I sent John with him. After they didn't come back in a normal amount of time I called John's phone to find out that Bruce had got to the door and lost all that chili lunch at the door. John took care of the door and the brother. 
Greg and Mark visited and visited learning and questioning specific vendors of interest. Usually, this is an hours-long process, but thanks to Bruce's upset tummy we were in and out of the event in about an hour. 
Thankfully he managed to get home before puking again. He's finally moving around some today. He's been pretty sick. I took him to the doctor for a strep test. It was negative. So he just has to heal. Anna had something like this years ago. 

Oddly enough before he got sick, and totally unrelated, Bruce requested meatballs?! For context, Bruce loathes chunks of meat. This was an odd request. But hey I'm up for new recipes. So I made the meatballs and noodles for a fancy spaghetti. Bruce up enjoyed the dinner. Afton, Lia, Merle, Andrea were not so impressed. 

More from Addies' phone. Sunglasses are always in style. These are safety glasses that do double duty as sunglasses as well. 

First 4-h activity of the year blanket tying to donate to charity. The kids are experts at this. I often wonder where all the tied blankets go in this community. 
Another week down, experiences had, and time passed as we anxiously waited for spring and warmer temperatures. It has rained and rained all week melting the snow slowly making for deep sticky mud. The cow men at our house are working hard to avoid or deal with those consequences and building fences into the long dark nights. Nonetheless, this is tough cow weather.
Yet, may be good for natural consequence lessons, but very challenging to be the mom who really wants them in the house safe and warm. But I  know the reality is that natural lessons are a great gift to me and it would be terrible to remove the consequence of their choices. Parenting teenagers is very hard to hold your rules and let lessons happen. Having kids close together was challenging when they were small, but nothing like the mental toughness required now to learn with them, and push and pull and wait for them to do what they must as young adults. 

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