Saturday, January 6, 2024

1.6.24 Readers

Millie forgot to give me the note reminding parents about the awards assembly. This is what I missed. 

 Reed made the 3000 point plack for reading and honor roll

Millie got the most growth in iready math and reading. Honor Roll

Livy made the 500 point plack for reading and most growth in iready math. 

Bruce had the most AR points for first grade. Also passing more than 40 lessons on iready.

Afton also got some awards for her work in iready and ixl. 

Merle woke up demanding to be held. I finished my workout and held him. Today has been one disappointment after another. It is so hard to leave them,  hoping all will be well while gone. This trip we fielded well over 100 phone calls from customers, kids, and other concerns. No visit or conversation was free of interruption. I got back to sick kids and spent 3 hours in Ontario getting them evaluated by the doctor. Thus another night away from home. There were some homework discrepancies I saw one part the teacher today saw another. There are concerns with some of these same kids about the grades that came home last night. Life does not slow down or pause for any event. 

While I'm deep in the dissecting of our business practices and decisions for the year I shake my head. and marvel all is well. Somehow it all works out. For a few of these kids, their awards today are pure miracles considering where they were at a few months or years ago. It helps me keep believing more miracles can come. I need that reassurance as life changes will be big and confusing this year. Really big as we realize John's leaving leaves no one at the shop and who will be the next trainee there. As we switch from boy-heavy to girl-dominant. As we force and cajole the younger kids to grow and be more than they want to. It's a lot. My sister said just eat some chocolate things will be ok. Trusting that as medical advice, she being a nurse, we ripped open a bag of chocolate chips and calmed the tensions for a few minutes. 

Cows left, one herd is left but a new grazing situation requires continued fencing and watering. I can say the words even if I don't believe them fully today, Life is good and we are blessed. 

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