Wednesday, January 24, 2024

1.23.23 Legion and Mark FFA

With all the snow days we have worked hard to stay mentally active. One such learning opportunity is the speaking season. We listen, read, discuss, and interview others working to understand and become reliably informed on various topics. American Legion was the first event. Addie did well. I had been listening to Hillsdale College constitution courses to gain insight and ideas. Together her writing and taking suggestions and me chipping away until the concrete ideas came forth. She set to work memorizing and getting the words in her head as she also worked to improve her voice control and strength. Unchallenged she won the local contest. 
It's always a good night with the veterans. They are a supportive encouraging group, it is good to meet with them yearly. 
Another major project was Mark's state degree. He needed pictures to illustrate what he had learned and contributed. These were fresh on my phone so in case I missed them earlier I'm including them now. 
The beginning of the officer retreat. 
Below the Christmas gift exchange. 
Fall leadership tour with the state officers. 
Fair awards.

Officer leadership camp. 
Maybe parli pro competition last year.

 I'm thankful the kids are willing to try new events and get to learn social skills. I love learning with my kids it makes my mind happy. For Mark's speech, I have been reading and mostly listening to regenerative agriculture podcasts to get some ideas to help him put into words what he has been studying for the past 18 months. During these long long days of sitting and doing books, it makes me curious how we could do some of those things here. And it makes me understand some of why we do what we do. Life is good and we are sincerely blessed.

Last week we had a true miracle with some surprise payments from customers and solved a years-long dead-end mechanical problem. I know that paying tithing and temple attendance bless us to be able to continue caring for and providing for our family. I'm so relieved to have some breathing room and to be able to not worry so much about how that's going to happen for a while. God is aware of our daily needs. 

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