Monday, January 8, 2024

1.8.24 New Sunday- teacher reed

The new year brings a new church schedule. How we dislike the late start time. The hours spent waiting for the church have too often been spent fighting and dawdling instead of getting the important part of the day accomplished. This year after a nice sleep-in, we had a family discussion about Mary Whitmerm the woman who also witnessed the gold plates. Because it was the first Sunday of the month that meant fasting. We are not a strong fasting family which we learned as the day wore on. Then we leisurely got ready. Andrea was able to wear her new Christmas dress for the first time. Merle sure loves his Andrea. She is such a sweet kid, also feisty, but mostly puts up with the various ways her brothers show her attention. 
Lia also wanted a picture. I wish she would stop cutting her hair. She keeps snipping at her bangs, but she is a radiant young one too. 
After church Reed and 3 other young men were ordained to various offices in the priesthood. He is now a teacher. After many variations of blessings, we all learned some about the precise use and handling of the priesthood. This was a good lesson as I think it caused thought about the why and what of priesthood authority vs. power. All endowed members have priesthood power, only those ordained men have priesthood authority was the teaching. 
And the last thing taking down the flag. I loved the younger brothers watching and learning from the older brothers. That's important to follow a good example and to be in the know. I was also struck by the taking down of the flag, how often do kids get to do this nowadays. A leftover from the scouting days. I miss the patriotism from scout days. 
This year Bruce will be baptized. He is steadily growing up too. In Reed's last year of young men's Bruce will also become a priesthood holder. That was reassuring. As we look at the year ahead we have a lot of changes. With John leaving there will be adjustments of who works at the shop and who works on the farm. And how the girls will adjust to those gaps. We are working to accept the high level of teaching that has to happen to continue being efficient and productive to provide for our needs. Parenting is always about teaching at our house. We are thankful for the continued opportunities to learn. 

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